I have no skin in this game, but it’s a hilarious take
Star Wars came after Dune. Star Wars is just Dune for people who listen to jizz.
I’m not sure if you meant Jaz and had a typo or the canonical star wars musical genres that somehow actually exists called jizz.
If you’ve seen the original first movie(ep4) when they go into the bar and meet Solo for the first time. There’s an alien band playing space jazz, canonically that space jazz is named jizz.
Further funnies:
The alien playing the weird saxophone?
Their species?
Yeah it’s called ‘bith’
There is a Bith playing Jizz at the Star Wars Cantina.
The cantina band is Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes, but apparently Max Rebo is the true jizz-wailer (as they’re canonically called).
Fingering Dan and the Module Nudes.
Space jizz
The jizz must flow
Out of my worm
My Dune, My Jizz, My Arrakis
The Clone Wars movie also had a bar where the band was playing a bit schmaltzy. Schmaltzy Jizz.
Star Wars is Dune for people that love WWII and samurai movies.
Dune is the Foundation series for people that like mushrooms more than math and have weird ideas about women fueled by angst over their wife divorcing them.
I mean Foundation is for people who have no thoughts about women so maybe a slight improvement.
(Half joking?)
Foundation is more like for people who prefer ketamine and mushrooms.
Where can I find jizz music?
Star Wars is Dune for people who like original stories and like to read.
Wait a minute
Wait a minute. I listen to
poobTool but prefer Star Wars, what does that mean?Bisexual
Can confirm, gay space worm
Nah, kid. I’m 10,000% gay.
I have been looking at this for 5 minutes and still can’t decide if it’s ten or ten thousand
Yeah comma as a decimal people have ruined a perfectly easy to understand number system.
Yeah point as a decimal people have ruined a perfectly easy to understand number system.
It means you only have a good opinion sometimes.
Hey, wait a minute, just cause I like mediocre music for 16 year olds doesn’t mean it’s a bad opinion. That’s just mean.
I love tool, was referring to you liking Star wars over dune
You are a broken clock
so he’s correct twice a day?
When I listen to Lateralus and when I watch the Star Wars Holiday Special, obviously.
The Force in StarWars: little microbes in your blood that are magic.
The Force in Dune: Space drugs.
I don’t listen to Tool, but I do like Dune and Star Wars without being a massive nerd about either. Though I respect massive nerds. Massive nerds are cool.
You should probably listen to Tool.
Seems like it
Dune is star wars for people who eat magic mushrooms
But I don’t listen to Tool.
…well, not exclusively.
Have you heard of wheel? They are very similar
I think Dune is closer to game of thrones, especially the politics side, Leto II (let’s make him not worm like in this example) would have everyone under his thumb in Westeros, ruled over everyone
But would you still love him as a worm?
I would but it would make his character too overpowered, he would be bran with the all seeing eye and have superhuman strength speed like children of Dune and his burrowing, healing abilities in God emperor. He does have a great weakness with water, but even that would be trivial to him
I listen to Tool, but do not watch or want to watch both Star Wars and Dune.
It would be pretty unpleasant watching both Star Wars and Dune. I would recommend watching them one at a time so that you can understand them.
do you need to watch things die (from a great distance?)
Say quoi
I listen to tool, I’ve seen star wars, I don’t really have any interest in dune.
I’m probably broken though.
Okay but what if I told you that a few books in, Luke Skywalker’s kid becomes a sarlaac pit and won’t stop resurrecting Chewbacca no matter how many times he tries to die?
… Is that appealing?
Put it like that and Dune is even less appealing
Not really.
My shadow
Must be why I think Dream Theater is better
i havent watched any of the films and dont know what tool is