Oops you’re right I hadn’t opened it in my FF it was inside the voyager app still I got in now :) (am on phone atm)
Oops you’re right I hadn’t opened it in my FF it was inside the voyager app still I got in now :) (am on phone atm)
This isn’t available tracking free in the eu. Could you copy paste the bit about carrots I’m curious
Its certainly interesting to see xpacks so many years later just like with AoE 2. As for diablo well yeah I don’t think it’ll happen either but with LE, PoE (2), TQ AE/2 and GD there’s enough ARPG goodness out there right now I think.
After the original Immortal throne they added three expansions for the anniversary edition yes. Atlantis, Ragnarok and burning embers
Titan quest AE with the newer expansions.
Probably going to check out the new no man’s sky expedition they’re usually fun for a short while.
Waiting and hoping DA: veilguard will be good.
Waiting for stalker 2 after that.
I think most world users, like myself, just got to world because it was the biggest/most known and Lemmy was new for us and that’s about it.
What an ambarassment for my country. I thought surely if they let him play it must have been some Russian sham trial but no it was in England.
Why is this fuck allowed to show up and represent the Netherlands? Gross.
There are theories that suggest up to 11 spatial dimensions exist like some string theories.
If I can’t play stalker gamma on it it’s basically worthless
Oh no, two same sex couples that are in love and kissing. What a nightmare…
Is it hard to understand the context of my comment? It replies to your first paragraph.
That usually happens when you call a lot of people brainwashed. I don’t engage with it anymore.
Me in 2016: