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I mean the same, withheld wages, slave like conditions, it’s hard to get worse than that.
Was your phone $150?
My friend uses roku and I found it hilariously dystopian that the screen saver is basically just an artistic side scrolling city scape with billboards that advertise shit shows and movies you can stream or pay for.
Plex/Jellyfin is the only way to go.
The us would probably enter war to stop it, Taiwan is pretty valuable to us
Shows 2 for me
Valve dosnt really “own” SteamOS. They maintain and update SteamOS, but SteamOS is free and open source
Plus just about everbody who knows anything about valve would tell you they are probably the most consumer friendly billion dollar company ever, and have been for decades. So yes even if they owned it like microsoft owns windows it would still be better
Just got an induction stove and I can’t even begin to communicate how much better it is than gas and especially old style electric stoves.
I heard someone hand delivered the messages in the form of bullet casings to the CEO, hopefully they got the message
I agree and it’s why I highlighted that 4 8s would be better.
I’m just saying IMO if you’re working 40 hours a week no matter what I would always pick 4 10s over 5 8s.
3 day weekends feel short to me now, think ill die of depression if I went back to 2 day weekends.
Obviously 4 8 hour shifts would be ideal but I have done 4 10s for the past 4 years and would absolutely never be willing to go back to 5 8 hour shifts.
I was more just shitting on Discord to shit on Discord because you can have insane bitrates on clients such as TeamSpeak, which I would prefer everyone use.
Isn’t sound shit on Discord anyway? Low bitrate
It’s the only card they have
100℅ lol
Right, I’m super pro open source but most normal people don’t give a shit. Sure I think those people are stupid, but it doesn’t change reality.
Not to be rude but if the clothing is almost double the fabric a cost increase is reasonable. Although double might be a bit too much since fabric really isn’t the main cost of clothing.
Similar technologies is an extreme stretch as well, Russia is not anywhere near the technology level of other NATO nations. They need China to get anywhere near that level, and I’m not sure China would give them that level of support if a wider conflict broke out.