It’s when you dress up as Jake to jornk it
It’s when you dress up as Jake to jornk it
Honestly, I’m expecting them to just try and pin it on someone just to save face.
“someone who just killed a serial killer shouldn’t surrender themselves to that kill’s ravenous attack dogs?” Is an insane take?
Although, “the US willingly subjects itself the current system” is a pretty insane take. Our healthcare system is wildly unpopular. A lot of people might not understand why it’s as bad as it is, but that doesn’t mean we’re all subjecting ourselves to it.
Honestly I don’t even know why I jumped into these comments. You clearly have nothing of value to offer, nor are you interested in anything resembling reason, so I’m out. Enjoy your day!
You mean surrender to a group of violent murderous thugs whose whole job is to protect the murderous slavers that are our ruling class?
It wasn’t murder though. It was self defense/defence of the innocent.
If someone was actively on a homicidal rampage, blood still on their hands as they sprint to kill more innocent people, it wouldn’t be murder to stop them even with lethal means.
This guy is responsible for thousands of deaths, and showed no indication he was going to stop. Killing him alone doesn’t stop all the innocent deaths, but if it gives is peers reason to pause their own murderous rampages, even briefly, that alone could save many people.
I’m not signing for a murderer, I’m simping for a goddamn hero.
Most kids learn to count by around two years old.
To spend time with the people I love.
Yes, the crime was horrendous. But if society just gives up on the idea of rehabilitating criminals that’s not going to bring anyone back. It’s just going to hurt more people unnecessarily, innocent and otherwise.
Obviously the murderer should not be released until they are adequately rehabilitated (if they ever are). But in a just society prisons are for rehabilitation.
That makes sense. It isn’t really super different from a Cincinnati style five way.
It takes some kids longer to figure things out than others, but if they’re old enough to feel attraction to people then they have developed some amount of their sexuality.
Emphasis on was.
A couple of years ago my (now ex, for urelated reasons) partner got ahold of some molly. I was pretty new to drugs, but trusted her to keep me safe. We tested a small portion of it, and it came back clean. That night we took it with us to some club and did some lines in the bathroom.
Unfortunately, I was unaware that the chemicals in those test kits have expiration dates, and no one had ever explained the chocolate chip cookie effect to me. Either we just missed the chunk that had fentanyl in it, or those expired tests just weren’t accurate, but either way I ended up overdosing.
I’m told my heart stopped for about ten minutes. Fortunately for me, the boyfriend of one of the performers had narcan with him. I had collapsed in front of the bar, and woke up laying in the parking lot with a bunch of strangers crowding around me. My partner ended up bundling me into the car and driving me home. I’m pretty sure I ended up with some brain damage. Years later though, I feel like I’m pretty much recovered, fortunately.
The whole comment section too.
I hate that I can only read this to the tune of Fireflies by Owl City.
Are you gay: yes Are you lying: no
Guys I don’t see the trap.
Yeah, my first time was honestly delightful. A little bit awkward, but certainly not painful or unpleasant.
Eggs existed long before chickens evolved.
Oh that’s definitely the case in the US. You can tell it’s going to be a really good restaurant when almost no one there speaks fluent English.
Yeah, politics affects every aspect of our lives, that’s why it’s so important.
Nah, I just tuck it behind my ear and eat with a weird little hunch and it’s fine