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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • There are a million possibilities and no single right answer. Strangers on the internet are not going to be able to tell you. Strangers on the internet certainly don’t know the dynamic between the two of you.

    Write down the possibilities (you’ve mentioned some in your post). Think of what seems fair to you. Show her the possibilities and talk about it and agree something.

    My wife came from a family that considered it the man’s duty to pay for everything and that women have to protect themselves from exploitation by guarding their own money. Conversations about sharing expenses were very unwelcome and showing love meant spending a lot on luxury gifts. She used to earn a third of what i did and had more disposable income than me since bills left me with little disposable. You could end up with 2 people at different levels of affluence in the same house if you are very defensive and financially isolationist. It’s taken a long time to change that to a collaboration to work through life together with shared resources.

    The most “scientific” way in a full commitment would be to put an equal % of both salaries into a “bills” account, then put how much you both want to save into a savings account and then divide the leftover disposable equally between yourselves.

    Or if you’re too early to be fully committed then you can start with continuing to pay for everything or ask her for a flat amount contribution.

    Just know that money is one of the biggest sources of friction on a relationship and most people at not on the same page. It takes work and talking to get to the same page (that means talking to her… Not us).

  • For people not from the UK: The Sun is a bad joke of a publication. I would recommend reading some of their articles if you’re in the mood for a good laugh…but I don’t really want them to get the clicks.

    Now for the sad part: this is one of the most widely circulated news publications in the UK and people seem to read it seriously.

  • Heavily filter what you consume. Following all news is not the morally correct thing to do, and you can cut back on it.

    I’m fighting against this by staying off all social media other than Lemmy. All my news comes from a small number of curated sources, and only in RSS feeds (so I get them in time order rather than bullshit news site headlines prioritisation). I use a lot of keyword filters on Lemmy and in my RSS news (Covid, Trump, Biden, most American news, anything that is meaningless to me is blocked before it can show up on my screen).

    TLDR news is a particularly good YouTube channel. They have really well presented news and pick out a few important events to report on. I find that’s more than enough for me for news consumption.

  • I’ve been through a lot of options trying to get the same functionality you mentioned. I’ve never found a single app that works particularly well. I’m surprised the state of PDF apps is so poor in Linux. Others have mentioned a bunch of apps and each fails in some major way. I’ll come back and check this comment section later for new suggestions for my own sake too.

  • The world is always on the edge of destruction. There’s always an economic crisis, humanitarian crisis, war, natural disaster, etc going on all the time. Our parents lived in the end of days with the threat of imminent nuclear war, endlessly rising violent crime and endless spread of HIV.

    The real problem is how news is reported and talked about. How society panics and turns on each other on public forums. How all sense of community is lost and individual consumption is all that matters.

    I’m fighting against this by staying off all social media other than Lemmy. All my news comes from a small number of curated sources, and only in RSS feeds (so I get them in time order rather than bullshit news site headlines prioritisation). I use a lot of keyword filters on Lemmy and in my RSS news (Covid, Trump, Biden, most American news, anything that is meaningless to me is blocked immediately).

    Also, embrace Nihilism. All of this is meaningless. If the world is going to end, then tomorrow is as good a day as any for it to end. Do what you value in the time you have. Maybe even stop following news completely. Build tolerance and acceptance in your mind.

  • There are evidence based tips from behavioural psychology you can use to help. Some examples…

    Will-power is a finite resource in the day, so if exercise is left to the end of the day then it is easier to leave out.

    If you keep your exercise clothes laid out then it removes that barrier and makes it easier to get up and go to exercise. When I get home from work I change straight into gym clothes even if I’m not going to work out for another couple of hours.

    Keep a TV show/audio book that you are excited about, that you only ever watch in the gym. Then you can never progress the story without going to the gym.