Just keep Pip away from any cellphones. He goes crazy with them.
Angry Merry noises
Regardless of who you are locked in a room with no one should feel safe if they are locked in a room. Being captured isn’t safe feeling at all. Although I would feel safer with those three by my side then alone.
Unless you’re trapped with Goku or Saitama, then it’s reverse uno card.
Plot twist: you’re an orc.
Adult males*
I wouldn’t try calling Legolas and/or Gimli a man
They’re both men, but neither of them are Men.
Why? “Men” seems more apt and inclusive. Trans men can be rapists, too.EDIT: I’m an idiot.
It’s an elf and a dwarf. Not men.
Yep, yeah, I don’t know how I missed that. Preeeeeetty embarrassing. Definitely the kind of thing that would keep me up at night if it had happened IRL.
You admitted a mistake on the Internet. That’s a plus in my books.
I guess you could go with Aragorn, Theoden and Faramir then
Just not Boromir.
Boromir was extremely honorable man, but who could not fight against the influence of the one ring. Don’t do him dirty like that
He had one moment of weakness and then spent the rest of his life trying to make up for it
and then spent the rest of his life
You are technically correct, the best kind of correct.
Counterpoint: being in a room with Boromir, it’s pretty unlikely that you’ll be the one to die. It’s kinda like a form of plot armor.
It was just that one time and he said he was sorry.
Lol I appreciated your edit
Doomslayer, Master Chief, and Gordon Ramsey.
For a moment I thought Legolas was Aemon Targaryen.
Not a rapist. Doesn’t murder for … sport … I would trust him well enough with myself or anyone I know.
Shit, I thought you said Daemon, but still, either one of them is closer to secretly-an-okay-guy(strictly consent/safety-wise) Johnny Bravo than so, so many of the assholes we have here in the real world.