Hey maybe we broke up with them. We don’t know.
Hey maybe we broke up with them. We don’t know.
Oh come on phones are water proof now stop making excuses.
The real football
The nuclear one?
Technically the legal stream tell you.
Regardless of who you are locked in a room with no one should feel safe if they are locked in a room. Being captured isn’t safe feeling at all. Although I would feel safer with those three by my side then alone.
Intel is so dumb for doing this.
You can download everything here. https://meshcentral.com/downloads.html
But to your point https://www.meshcentral.com (That is linked in the Github page give me a certificate error. Guess they need to fix that lol) But https://meshcentral.com (without the www) works.
Github page has been fixed!
Have you tried changing the default view from Columns to List? IMO it makes the UI much better. Then you can add in a more details about each PC on the main view. Make is very useful if you have a lot of computers you are managing.
You can also switch from the left bar interface to top bar interface. That looks better to me. Also dark mode.
Completely disagree. Meshcentral is amazing. I use it almost everyday. Sure it has some querks, and I am not a fan of the default layout but that is an easy change.
It is certainly not discontinued.
Yes Ylian (the developer) was laid off from Intel and later started working at Microsoft. But the project is still alive and well. (He owns the domain so he was able to keep the website alive. Another user (Si458) Has taken up alot of the development (30 commits this month ) and Ylian has also continued development although much less now he has a day job. (1 Commit this month)
The only thing that got discontinued was the publicly hosted server of MC. That was costing to much and it required to much maintenance now this became a side project. So you will need to self host it now.
Oh that is a very interesting. I would think 100 million degrees celsius would be hotter then your average dragon.
Could the Ring survive a nuclear blast?
I am guessing yes.
I will!! Right after I look up the key command that does that.
Back in the day a Payphone if you can find one.
Now I am not sure if their is a way anymore.
When that person is a public figure I think it is news worthy. Because it won’t be one person but a handful. As I am betting alot of people who follow them will want to try it out as well.
This is advertising 101.
Downside is if the public figure has a bad experience it will discourage many people from not even trying.
It could store the mouse movements to compare later.
Dimmer switch limits the power. The light doesn’t like that.
This is what I was thinking of. Unfortunately the Police were not very little help most of the time. During their saga, they basically had to become their own lawyers and collect a pile of evidence to make anything happen.
Hey now…
They would all get late fees.
Maybe you should do a sleep study.