Man, China must be watching this shitshow, looking at Outer Manchuria and wondering what exactly Russia could do about it at this point if they decided to reverse the Treaty of Aigun…
The only response is nukes
A nuclear power just had its sovereignty “violated.”
Nukes didn’t fly.
And this is why nuclear powers don’t start stupid wars of conquest, because if they fail (normally they fail), “nukes fly”.
Normally?? Vietnam please take a chair this person has something cleaver to say
Sharp as a rusty cleaver. I really don’t understand what you are trying to say. What about Vietnam? Who tried to conquer it, China? You understand what an annexation is? The only time an annexation worked since WW2 was sort of Tibet at least that I can remember.
I was talking about the USA’s involvement not China’s
And what was your cleaver point? I’m going to take a chair and sit down to listen to your wisdom. Please 🫱
Do…do you think America won Vietnam…?
Pretty soon the world is going to need proof that they have even one working warhead before that stops being a viable defense.
I remind you of the famous launch-site homing russian SAM and dare them to prove it.
Do they work?
That’s just the thing: No one knows, not even the Russians.
Which is why they won’t launch them. Cause that could lead to a worse outcome for Putin than total annihilation - public embarassment.
We’ll let them take Palin as a snack if they’re still hungry after annexing Green Ukraine
Is there anything between the Urals and Alaska that would slow down an invading army? Other than the lack of infrastructure.
Just like everything. Forests, swamps, rivers, extreme weather. There’s a reason people don’t live in that part of the world
I’d slightly categorize that under “lack of infrastructure”. Taiga covers 12% of Earth’s land area and is difficult to travel in. 25% of Earth’s land area is mountainous, 33% desert, 7% rainforest…
Well that, and the politics.
Vast marshes that are impassable for vehicles when they’re not frozen, I think?
Yes. Putin has been acting like global warming will unlock more Russian land for production. Turns out the permafrost areas are such because they were mostly giant bogs before freezing.
The explosions of Methane as it thaws is interesting and worrying. Definitely not a place that people are going to want to live in even when warmer.
Oh noes, 🦟 biolab swarms!1!!
Freeze the vehicles, then.
Well there’s the Bering Sea.
No, just look in to history they have lost control of it 1918-1920.
As my friend says “I will join army only if I can ride trains through Siberia and shoot ruzzians, as my grandfather.”
Mud, forest, rivers, lack of roads.
Plus an absolute shit ton of skeeters
Hope their spy agency set up a colab government or they will have to actually push that far.
Well there is the russian freedom army or what its called.
You know, white blue white. Those guys
So then Ukraine can puppet easier in the peace deal??
They probably wont puppet, but government change and take their core states back
Could demand resource rights and take the navy if they play it right. We all know russia will not be able to rebuild it.
Mineral rights would be extremely valuable, but not even the Elbonian navy would take Russian nave vessels for anything but as practice targets…
Sell them for scrap just like Pepsi. But mainly just to get rid of them.
What navy? HA!
I in full honestly, would ukraine actually defeat russia hoi4 style we should supervise their democracy like they did with west germany post ww2
What navy? HA!
They recently transferred a lot of their ships to the submarine fleet
Battlefield conversions
Put the Nazis back in charge?
The Freedom of Russia Legion is what you’re thinking of.
Thank you![email protected] permanently banned, not for being a tankie, but for weird ass, bot-like responses. If you see a suspected bot, don’t feed it, [like I did], just report it. TIA morons
Thank you for your work 💚
👍 Chuck Norris-style, weary thumbs-up
They were posting similar bait in other communities and have been site-banned on SJW.
Then again, I’m sure in their head that’s still their idea of winning somehow.Loneliness is a hell of a drug.
what a moron that dude
Do people in this community actually think Ukraine is winning?
Lol, do you actually think Russia is?
I don’t think Russia is winning. I think Russia, for all intents and purposes, already won…at a cost of course.
But I tend to filter my news by reality and sources by factuality. Most people tend to filter by wishes. So it’s normal that some would think otherwise. The other side filtering by wishes may also be thinking that the win came at a much smaller cost than reality.
Russia is winning, that’s why they’re locking down their internet and not letting their citizens talk to each other privately.
No, you don’t filter by reality. I’ve seen your history. We all know what you are.
We all know what you are.
Do share. Your head sounds like an entertaining place. And I genuinely mean that.
I haven’t researched shit and I can already tell you’re full of it.
That’s quite a humblebrag, woven in there with your sense of self. Why did you you come on down to mingle with those who filter by wishes? A kind of intellectual disaster tour, you’re just passing through to gawk?
I wanted to double-check that i’m not being outjerked, and the posts here are not metaironic.
First time I have seen a Russian troll in social media since the embarrassment that was the reverse advance and surrender of Russians in Kursk. You know? The 1, 000km2 patch of land taken by Ukraine in just 8 days, which took months for Russia to conquer three-quarters of the size? That invasion which Gerasimov ignored the warnings of and embarrassed Putin for complacency? That amount of that land taken by Ukrainians in just one week will not even cover up the propaganda which you call “news by reality and sources by actuality”. You call that winning? As we speak, Russia redeployed some if its troops from Eastern Ukraine to Kursk.
Edit: corrected the figures
1,000 km2
But I tend to filter my news by reality and
Ah, but of course. As one does
you’re a sad centrist trying to sound like you haven’t been lobotomized
I tend to filter my news by reality and sources by factuality
Let me guess, RT?
You definitely aren’t winning, how does Putin’s cock taste?
Probably very salty
Until very recently, I’d have called it a stalemate. I don’t think any side can be described as “winning” right now.
Although the mass surrendering of Russian Soldiers is tipping things in Ukraine’s favor fast.
It’s hard to know…
But don’t forget that Russia thought they’d seize Ukraine quickly. They haven’t. Even if they “win”, it will be a shit show and they won’t be able to keep it
I also have a Russian coworker who joined the Company after the war and he was embarrassed about Russia. I seriously doubt most of their soldiers are motivated to fight
Does Russia have the funds to sustain this war and for how long? There’s a reason why Belousov is the head of the MoD
Good question.
Don’t listen to them.
political propaganda is extremely effective and it’s impossible to make out the from the noise.
Near as I can tell Ukraine was losing fairly badly and the invasion was a last ditch effort that nobody wanted, although they are still backed by NATO and they won’t lose until they let them but Russia has an almost endless supply of Troops and equipment so they will lose eventually unless the war gets too embarrassing or it risks going Nuclear.
As a US SSBN submariner - bring it. Give me one good reason to set 1SQ and let these birds fly. I dare you.