They’re getting their supplies from North Korea… It won’t be long until they’re fighting with sticks.
They’re getting their supplies from North Korea… It won’t be long until they’re fighting with sticks.
Lets see the source for this. The title is not misleading for article.
How so? Seems pretty clear it was humanitarian aid convoy in Gaza, and it it was Israel that launched an attack on it that killed people.
What’s your angle?
If true, it’s sad.
Right? Watch out for tankies though, they’ll tell you you are a moron and don’t understand how things work…
I would be too. Stay safe.
Thank you for the compliment, if you keep reading outside your safe space and opinion articles, you’ll get there too!
Russia invaded Ukraine. All anyone besides tankies and trolls need to know.
Even though op’s post history clearly points to the angle they’re trying to get across, I’ll answer for ya.
You educate the Russians. They’re living in a closed room and are being force fed bullshit so Ukraine looks like the bad guys. Once they’re educated and realize what the hell is going on, there will be some uproar to them being drafted and forced to fight Ukraine who has done nothing wrong. Maybe then, they’ll stand up to Putin and take his fucking ass out and this shit can be over. At that point maybe Russia can turn it around and become a productive member of society.
In other words…“We’re running out of cannon fodder”
No, you don’t filter by reality. I’ve seen your history. We all know what you are.
Lol, do you actually think Russia is?
Everything about Prime video is a horrible experience.
Lol, stfu and get your shit out of Ukraine.
I agree. The world needs more fuck around and found out among the rich bastards.
I don’t give a shit about flying, I’ll stick to four wheels on the ground. That’s the beauty of being an individual, not everything is for everyone.
I want to go 0 to 60 2.1 femptoseconds. I drive a car now that does it in 3.9, I can’t go back to slow. Like I said, I’m a car guy. There’s nothing else like feeling the G’s when you smash the accelerator.
They’d be better off if they weren’t actively committing genocide. Weird how we don’t hear about it though. Disgusting.