“B Biden Seım!”
“But Biden Same!”
If you’re just gonna be mad about ð silly letters just block and move on wið your life. Raging at me about it only confirms ðat I should keep doing it.
“B Biden Seım!”
“But Biden Same!”
Modi is in the weird place of being an elected authoritarian, and so he uses that one foot in both worlds-ness to try and be the diplomatic pivot between those spheres.
The problem, is that Modi is a terrible diplomat, and people come to India not because of his talents, but because India is a sleeping economic giant that could pop off at any instant depending on how their government and society shakes out. Keep in mind that India is still a very much under construction country. India being a collection of colonies and princedoms us still in living memory, and even if it wasn’t, America almost a quarter of a millenia old and even then it is an under construction state and society.
We’ll let them take Palin as a snack if they’re still hungry after annexing Green Ukraine
Inb4 Annexation of Pink and Yellow Ukraine
Ohhhhh nobody’s grabbing that.
Even if the land was worth the effort, having to integrate the massively Russian population is distinctly not
So…are they aiming to negotiate land swaps?
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Bro please just fucking stop being such an insistent dumbass.
1, trans women are actually at a competitive disadvantage since hormone blockers also nullify the low levels of Testosterone that women produce naturally.
2, of all the fucking countries to suspect of “cheating” by fielding a trans woman, ALGERIA‽
Pish posh, I’m a software engineer, we’re basically the exact same thing! Inscrutable incantations that we don’t know how exactly it makes the machine do what we need it to and all!
You just admitted you knew about them and talked about them.
We’re going out together brother!
Spreads arm to embrace impending core cracker bomb
I make them laugh and giggle a lot, it’s the cutest crushy giggle you’d have ever heard
If you’re genuinely serious, a beginner’s server box and some CLI training will usually be enough for your average person’s storage needs, especially with a proper personal VPN connection.
Only people who need entire racks are those aforementioned gurus because they’re working with whole computer images which can be hundreds if not thousands of gigs, and people who are trying to torrent all of known visual media in human history to create a personal free streaming service, which will almost definitely land you in a court room courtesy of your ISP ratting you out to the authorities.
Would you believe me if I told you my ability to tangent into subjects I know someone is interested in is part of how I got into it with my current SO?
We’ve already seen what Ukraine will do in response to a confirmed sighting in Mali.
Venezuela is about to see a plot straight out of Operation Nemesis play out.
I mean if you’ve met some of the old boy shot callers who work with or for the CIA, yeah no they could totally pull the disguise with a wardrobe change and some fake sunburn makeup.
Most of the actual work that goes on there is data analysis, and that means tech workers, and that means the saged guru tech workers who live out of a single family home that’s less expensive than their home lab, their backup servers, their backup backup servers in a compound in montana, the backup backup backup servers in a bunker in New Zealand, and the thoroughbred they got for their horse girl daughter because these guys are usually also complete suckers for their kids or even younger siblings if there’s a wide enough age gap, as I found out that one such guru was technically the half brother of this girl I had AP microeconomics with.
If you’re a 40k fan familiar with the theory that the 2nd and 11th legions had their marines glommed into the Fists and Blueberries…
Only person heinous enough to defend a rapist is another rapist.
Try and jail every last one of them.
Ƿ get it, Y hæv ė brıdıŋ fetic.
We get it, you have a breeding fetish.