What about mercantilism? I think Trump’s going to give that one a go. Hopefully we can establish some nice colonies, say in a tropical place where we can grow pineapples.
What about mercantilism? I think Trump’s going to give that one a go. Hopefully we can establish some nice colonies, say in a tropical place where we can grow pineapples.
He probably has 10-15 federal Marshalls outside his bedroom as we speak, pulling guard duty.
Are you saying the shooter got the wrong guy?
It must be so hard to live on such low wages. I feel for these poor souls, truly.
How about one a week?
Wait until you get a $50,000 health insurance bill for non-existent procedures that the doctor and insurance company made up and no one will believe your side of the story.
About tree-fiddy
ATACMS can go 300 km.
Sort of. The ICBM rocket delivery system.
The US is developing a new ICBM as well.
Having been banned from every subreddit I ever subscribed to, this sounds about right.
Then you message the mid, nothing.
My favorite was when I posted one comment on some obscure have subreddit about the Ukraine war.
Then I was immediately bagged from like a dozen other subreddits, many of which I had never heard of. Reasons included violating political rules … on a gaming subreddit about a game that simulates war between Russia and NATO. Go figure.
1,000 km2
But I tend to filter my news by reality and
Ah, but of course. As one does
Mud, forest, rivers, lack of roads.
Plus an absolute shit ton of skeeters
The tech tree hasn’t been unlocked yet!
Cocaine, ha! Such amateurs.
My city sells that much weight in fentanyl per week!
Neurotic men projecting their bullshit into other people.
If an alien wanted to visit the Earth, they would actually die hundreds to thousands of years before they would ever get here.
It’s simply just not worth the trip, when only your thousandth generation descendants would actually survive to make it.
Now, if aliens actually had warp drive technology, millions of years in the future from our technology, they probably aren’t even going to bother visiting us because we’re so archaic.
How did they get the guys cellphone? If so he’s cooked.