No. He’s too good for their ratings.
No. He’s too good for their ratings.
Though I do wish Zelenskyy had pointed out the $350bn in aid lie that Trump keeps spouting.
He would need to have been able to get a word in edgeways to do that. What should happen is that media reporting on it should point out that it’s a lie but most media organizations seem too busy gargling Trump’s balls these days for that.
In fairness, in this case it’s part of a quote.
I’ll take “why is my codebase full of technical debt” for 500, Alex.
What’s up with the sink plug thing?
You mean the collar? It’s… umm… for a thing.
Man that’s some fucking weasel wording. Will be seen as flying in the face of international law? That would be because it blatantly does.
Privatizing it in the first place is the work of people who are corrupt as hell, inhumanly evil, dumb as rocks, or, most likely, all of the above.
In this case corrupt and evil. Thatcher had tried it twice before and had to back down because it was (and still is) an incredibly unpopular policy that was at risk of losing them the 1987 election. Immediately after the election they privatized the lot before anyone could complain.
That’s what happens when physics teachers get a cat.
Read that as “smugness” at first - I think it still fits.
I agree it’s in poor taste to make fun of his mental health issues but calling TempleOS a “hobby project” is burying the lede a little…
No other animal suffers from depression.
Oh, so you hate Plan9 huh?
Probably some form of Fisherian runaway over the course of human evolution tbh.
Where’s the option for “I live in a civilized country and don’t need to pay someone to do my taxes”?
TTT is an excellent example of what happens when there are too many guns
And yet never a gun for Ben when he gets rezzed 😞
They used to but the War on Terror increased the demand for SOF so much that they couldn’t afford to be as picky anymore.
Or possibly bottom men and top women
Given how much Trump allegedly wants the peace prize because Obama got one, the Nobel committee have an opportunity to do the funniest shit ever by giving Zelenskyy it over him.