Russia went from being the second best military in the world, to being the second best militarily in Ukraine, to being the second best military in Russia.
Russia turned out to be world’s best paper tiger
That’s probably still China, lots of money invested but their actual combat movements look horrific. Their special forces are legit very good though.
A billion people and the largest basic manufacturing capability full stop scares the bejesus out of me, I don’t care if they can’t march straight.
I also have no reason to expect they’re anywhere near as incompetent. Probably just normal dictatorship levels.
Yeah they don’t need a big military. They can just call in debt or flip off the manufacturing switch that supplies the rest of the world and they’ve already mostly won.
I really hope we in the West wouldn’t just fold the moment “ABBEXA childrens plastic bucket fun water toy for family” gets cut off, but the thing about civilian manufacturing is that it can be converted to military manufacturing. One moment it’s making buckets, the next it’s making covers for mines. And, the sector isn’t even bad quality anymore; it’s not as good as CNC nerds in Germany, but their stuff will work at a basic level and arrive on schedule. Meanwhile, the need to supply Ukraine has exposed that our own manufacturing, while advanced and awesome, doesn’t scale very easily.
It’s all a bit academic because of MAD, but the main reason I think we’d have a shot in a conventional war is that the professionals seem to think we’d have a shot.
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Nah I have issue with having a well prepared military, I have an issue with finding excuses to use it.
second best military in the world
On paper, at least…
Then they’ll become the second best military in Ukraine after being annexed.
Second best military in West Alaska*
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Its actually west Mongolia, after all most of Russia was under Mongol rule for centuries.
Aren’t they third in Russia? Wagner is definitely above them.
Wagner is only as independent as Putin allows
Yeah, didn’t they fold it up entirely over that whole “tried to overthrow the government” thing?
Red Alert 2 Chronosphere
The Chronosphere was a mass teleportation device developed by the Allies during the Second World War. An improved version was used to decisively end the Third World War and was used further until the end of the Psychic Dominator Disaster. Albert Einstein was a notable contributor to the Chronosphere’s design.
Good times.
Albert Einstein was a notable contributor to the Chronosphere’s design.
“You know vat would be sick? Ein grosse Plasmakugel. Cover up how boring ze solid-state temporal destabilizers look. Vonderful efficiency, but mein Gott, have some showmanship.”
The starting cinematic of Einstein killing Hitler made the game awesome.
Weirdly understated, for the same franchise that gave us Comrade Tim Curry devouring the scenery.
Let’s make it smaller and put it into a backpack. We equip our soldiers with it and call them Chrono Legionnaires. They will be the most OP bull-fucking-shit units in the history of anything.
Yes, I’m still salty for getting swarmed by them that one time in multiplayer. Fuck you, whoever came up with this.
Yeah but you have to sneak them in close to the enemy base, otherwise they take their sweet-ass time rematerializing, and all 37 of them that you had spent several minutes of clicking to plan out who will attack what building get slaughtered without a single one firing their weapon.
And if you miss all the “poof… Pooof… Poof…” right next to your base… You deserve it. Send a bunch of grunts or dogs in wherever they gather and they’ll all be dead long before you need to worry.
I legitimately don’t like those units because they’re so weak and specialized, I never really get a chance to utilize them right
This is 100% true. But I was a child. Those were my first steps into online gaming. Yes, I am aware it’s been over 20 years and I refuse to let go of the past.
Oof. I feel that.
My first foray into any gaming was Alpha Centauri. Had no idea what to do and my dad is shit at explaining anything. To this day I cannot stand the series or even turn-based strategy games.
I think my first online experience was Left for Dead, and a teammate startled a witch within 30 seconds of starting the very first level. Instant hatred of witches and actively tried to dissuade people from messing with them.
Nowadays I toss a pipe bomb ahead of myself while pumping away with my shotgun and half the time I down them before they can stand up fully. Mostly so I can traumatize my friends who are still on the hate train.
Slightly related, I found out that unless you check the “limit superweapons” box in Generals, your opponent will likely just spam a shitload of superweapons, so it won’t matter that they suck at strategy, because they can just wait 5 minutes, click 20 times and have your entire base leveled.
Never existed
More like
*Existential screaming*
Even better if you put them in IFVs - extra armor, faster movement and I think longer weapon range, and when the IFV eventually gets destroyed you still have a Chrono Legionnaire.
You like pondering orbs, don’t you?
Where can I find this? Preferably metal (radioactiveness optional) or maybe a file for 3d printable?
I don’t know where to get the 3d model, I just have this picture, but here is some Cobalt 60 I found!
Cinnamon60 sounds delicious
It’s definitely a print, from the striations. Here’s one popular model.
Dont know about buying one, but you could probably make one with some clay, a box, two rubber balls of slightly diffent sizes, some aluminum cans, and a cast iron pan.
I’ll gladly ponder my chronosphere.
Such a spicy orb
How would it taste?
That the “demon core”? If so, don’t remove the keychain.
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Don’t hit me back after I hit you. After I hit you repeatedly. And after I killed your families. And after I destroyed your infrastructure and mined your country.
Don’t hit me back. Please.
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Russia could end the war today by just leaving.
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Depends how you define “the war”. If Russia just gave up and went home today then most likely, immediate hostilities would cease. But it would do nothing to prevent them from starting the next war again later. In fact, having proven that they can invade a sovereign country and then leave with next to no significant backlash more or less guarantees the next war.
When people say the war doesn’t end until Moscow is overthrown, it doesn’t mean that we want or plan for Ukraine to march right up to the doors of the Kremlin and burn it down with Putin inside. I doubt anyone would make significant moves to stop that happening, but that’s not the point being made. The point being made is that the Putin regime has proven itself a bully and a liar, and has proven pretty definitively that they will remain those things. So long as Putin remains in power his regime will continue to strike at nearby victims for profit. They’ve been doing it the entire time he’s been in power and they aren’t about to stop now unless forced to. Removing his forces from Ukraine and then leaving him in charge of them does nothing except kick the can a few years down the road while Russia regroups.
So yes, if you define “the war” as ending when the fighting stops, it would end it now to just send everyone back home. But it’s less of an ending and more of an intermission, if Putin is not punished. He won’t take this lying down especially after he and his forces have been so thoroughly humiliated during this conflict. Leaving him in control of his national and military assets makes it a certainty that he will be back to finish what he started, provided he lives long enough to actually do so.
I mean yeah you can say it’s just a proxy war, but if a large nation supporting a small nation during a time of war makes it a proxy war, then the American Revolution was a proxy war between Britain and France. Proxy wars can still be liberatory, just like this one, where Ukraine is literally fighting for it’s freedom and survival.
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All your talk makes it sound like you think they are making a “wrong” decision. Is that true, and if so, what would you do if you ran that country being annexed and bombed?
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Why do we even need guns if we can just sue people? You sir really do have the cure for the 2nd amendment people.
So if the solution to help Palestine is pressuring their oppressor to stop, then the solution to help Ukraine is…?
Ukraine didn’t decide on war, Russia did. Also, suing for peace doesn’t really seem to be working for Palestine, does it? At what point would you be willing to fight for what you think is right? Would you risk your life to protect your loved ones from a murderer? I would.
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NATO occupied state
Goodbye vatnik.
Russia is too big to just call it West Alaska. You’ll need to divide it up a little. You’ll need: New Karelia, East Poland, North Ukraine, and West Alaska.
Lets just redraw the borders to 1444 a la EU4
Thank fuck I’m in the timeline where Tim Curry isn’t a Russian general.
Otherwise we could escape to the one place that isn’t corrupted by capitalism:
_______..______ ___ __ ______ _______ __ / || _ \ / \ | | / || ____|| | | (----`| |_) | / ^ \ | | | ,----'| |__ | | \ \ | ___/ / /_\ \ | | | | | __| | | .----) | | | / _____ \ | | | `----.| |____ |__| |_______/ | _| /__/ \__\ |__| \______||_______|(__)
i would fuck with west alaska ngl.
If Russia had Kirovs we would all be speaking Russian