Sure, I’m on board as long as the fix isn’t to cut other social safety nets.
I mean it depends on the context of how UBI is going to get paid for. If it is funded by a wealth tax then I am on board. But that’s not how the powerful proponents of UBI say it should be funded. Andrew Yang would have us take it out of Social Security to pay for it but you don’t hear him say we should uncap Social Security contributions.
My TikTok feed is rather radical, which is a non+option on all the other corporate platforms.
Seems to me there is a big difference between attacking someone’s identity and claiming the earth is flat or marijuana is bad. The fact the mods don’t seem to address this is concerning.
The wealthy can’t hide from the Children of Kali.
Brazil actually held their coup actors accountable.
Jesus did not get along with the wealthy or their politicians.
Seems I guessed that right from the headline. There’s plenty to shit on, like their soldiers being sent to the Ukrainian meat grinder. But when you see “country bans cheap food” or “country requires kim jong haircuts for everyone”, don’t be gullible.
Eztv is good enough for me anyways
It’s a perfect commodity, which means it’s going to be worth the least out of anything out there.
Sounds like a badge of honor to me. Maybe it can come with it’s own blue checkmark
If he really wants to cosplay as working class he could go off a CEO.
It’s unFORTUNatE because they aren’t currently making a fortune from it.
Don’t let an unfortunate genocide go to waste
It’s on Hulu, had a clean ending not asking for a sequel. 10 episodes, 45 minutes each.
What I learned from the show “Interior Chinatown” is that they always get their man.