Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

I’m someone’s favorite.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • They joke, but I legitimately know people whose parents were the super Christian “any book about controversial topics is the devil and so are video games and TV” to the point where when she found out her daughter had Harry potter book, she burned every book of hers that wasn’t directly religious.

    Well guess who decided to “give them a try” since “the author clearly has the right ideas about life” since all her children are out of the house and the only ones who bother visiting are the two with kids (who would never admit it but they’re only there for free babysitting and future help) and one who just doubled down into the religion despite witnessing the same bullshit as her siblings…

    So yeah, this may have been intended as a joke, but they’re closer to the truth than they might know.

  • I’ve heard the argument of “dozens of wild hogs” in relation to firearms so many times, I thought it was going to end with some kind of quip about “high-capacity magazines”

    But you might be on to something here.

    Can we look into limited release programs for wild hogs onto billionaires properties? all of them?

  • Oof. I feel that.

    My first foray into any gaming was Alpha Centauri. Had no idea what to do and my dad is shit at explaining anything. To this day I cannot stand the series or even turn-based strategy games.

    I think my first online experience was Left for Dead, and a teammate startled a witch within 30 seconds of starting the very first level. Instant hatred of witches and actively tried to dissuade people from messing with them.

    Nowadays I toss a pipe bomb ahead of myself while pumping away with my shotgun and half the time I down them before they can stand up fully. Mostly so I can traumatize my friends who are still on the hate train.

    Slightly related, I found out that unless you check the “limit superweapons” box in Generals, your opponent will likely just spam a shitload of superweapons, so it won’t matter that they suck at strategy, because they can just wait 5 minutes, click 20 times and have your entire base leveled.