If it’d cost less than say 2x what it’d save, I’d say it’s beneficial. Making it obvious that corruption isn’t going to work has value, but no need to do really extensive audits just to get the last 0.1% of mistakes/fraud.
If it’d cost less than say 2x what it’d save, I’d say it’s beneficial. Making it obvious that corruption isn’t going to work has value, but no need to do really extensive audits just to get the last 0.1% of mistakes/fraud.
By the time they’re going fast enough, they’re high enough they don’t have much air to worry about. (And they do have an angle over too, not just straight up)
Missiles do go more or less go straight though the atmosphere horizontally. Most are slower than what we’re taking about, but hypersonic missiles get close to rocket speeds. And they do need big heat shields to keep from melting immediately.
You’re going much too fast to hit the earth, you’ll miss it and continue in orbit. To deorbit, you’ll need a lot of things to throw in the other direction, like the oxygen from your magic tank. You’d need about a full rocket full of oxygen (~170 tons) to slow down, probably more because the exit velocity would be slower than a rocket.
The other issue with this scheme is you’d slow down too slowly. You’ll start getting slower and lower, but you’d start to get into the atmosphere, which because you’re still going so fast would cause you to not have a great time. So your magic oxygen bottle will also need a massive tube off the end of it, maybe a couple meters in diameter.
But if you had your magic infinite air tank with a huge tube off it, theoretically you could get back down to earth safely with just it, a space suit, and a parachute.
Around 37% of respondents said they do not trust the president, a two-point drop since December.
So I guess 6% are indifferent?
Seems pretty incredible that it flipped over and lost a wing, presumably with fuel still, but everyone survived. I’m glad it’s only injuries.
Coffeezilla is doing an investigation right now, I’m looking forward to the conclusions.
They do use their liquid assets for that, but not selling the illiquid ones like art and real estate. I think it’d be a shame to turn cathedrals into shopping malls, but maybe it’s worth putting the money to good use.
Some dictators certainly did, getting regime security in exchange for valuable resources.
Absolutely, and that includes Russia. They don’t get a free pass to exploit them now just because others have done it before.
Or like buying weapons? Just bartering for commodities?
That’s just payment, right? That’s a lot better than nothing.
Hopefully kuiper will eventually be a meaningful alternative. Though Amazon also isn’t great…
Is there a rule against wishing for more wishes? If not, an unlimited benevolent genie lamp would be the go to.
More toxic gasses yes, but much less carbon dioxide. Over the months it’s out of commission it only emits the CO2 already in the tanks instead of that much every day or so depending on the turnover rate.
It also happens to be an exceptionally moral method of eco-terrorism
As in ‘becoming a part of Russia isn’t too bad actually’? Because that’s what would have happened if they hadn’t fought back.
Sounds good. Was kinda hoping for a smaller instance so we’d be less centralized and more federated, but this works alright.
Why’d you choose .world? Just curious on your rationale.
I wonder if you could train raptors to take down drones.
I don’t know, going on the juice to try to out run a nuke with PDCs blazing away is pretty cool.