Defining the return type that way can be used when dealing with template sorcery - there’s no use for it here though, not even for readability in any way.
Defining the return type that way can be used when dealing with template sorcery - there’s no use for it here though, not even for readability in any way.
Controversial opinion, but I feel that all games after the first one were only held up by the characters and worldbuilding - hell, ME2’s plot IS the characters
Solid choice, he is a bit flawed in the first game (obsessed with pointing fingers at Saren (admittedly only being 1.05% wrong about him)); but he and Hackett are the OG superiors that have your back rather than constantly second-guessing you.
The latter even set his foot on a terrorist-owned ship, imagine the favors he had to pull in order to do that discreetly just to talk with you in person…
I don’t know about Zuko being less strong, he did betray his father (and temporarily abandon his girlfriend) just to follow his moral compass; his runtime (and his first faux-turnaround at the end of book 2) highlight how difficult it was for him.
Sokka only had do smarten and humble himself a bit, which is no easy feat either, but easier by comparison.
… which is why if I had to pick a favorite from A:TLA, I’d choose Iroh.
Zuko was never really evil, but, where he took his time to look at his moral compass, Iroh had to experience geomagnetic reversal and made it out alive.
WITHOUT a kind uncle nudging him in the right direction.
That’s the second mention from Discworld, I guess Pratchett really knew how to write his characters
While I enthusiastically agree with the whole thing, I can somewhat get behind RenderDoc’s “making it configurable would take some work”.
However, Flatpak’s “fucking cry about it” attitude is why I’ll avoid using Flatpak for as long as possible.
pardon my english
If I had a nickel for every time I used bad English grammar I’d have two nickels, which is not a lot because my country has very high income taxes.
Nice pick, personally if that was my answer I would attribute it to how little we know of him.
Without any doubt, they really put a lot of effort into making him look and sound like… whatever he is.
Thanks for the link too, although it feels like that animation is too… expressive? I think the g-man would have less pronounced expressions, like, not going full >:3
when talking to Alyx.
I had a feeling A:TLA would be mentioned, I would’ve sworn Zuko would be the guy…
I think they underused Sokka tbh. Such a good character yet his role in the gaang wasn’t shown as often as I’d like.
Sounds like me tbh, being a bit silly and causing trouble for people around me with no ill will
(though unfortunately I’m still alive)
Chiquita (or a parent company idc).
Among the many other bad things they did, they knowingly AND REPEATEDLY hired terrorists, and also moved the US to overthrow the Guatemalan government just for a few labor laws.
Is it even possible to get an order of magnitude more cynical than that?
I do not know the legitimacy of the LPP organization, but do people not see through the ironic statement at all?
I can’t say I’m too surprised. My country isn’t devoid of shitty politicians only interested in leeching wealth either, nor in dumbass voters, but as far as I can tell US policy is exclusively moved by bribes from rich people.
I can’t tell what the many groups of voters were thinking since I don’t live there and I only see what makes its way to the Internet, but is it really that surprising that a perfect puppet ends up in the perfect place for a puppet to be, with a puppet master behind him?
I just use Zsh’s command history, coupled with a bunch of functions and aliases to set up different HISTFILE values for different workflows.
I keep HISTFILEs clean by prepending a whitespace before commands that I don’t want to remember, which unfortunately gave me the habit of doing that on Bash when Zsh isn’t available (which is ineffective at best, and actively annoying at worst).
(ok, I lied, I used DDG as a shortcut for the wikipedia page on illegal numbers)
Sadly not, it is often considered illegal to reverse-engineer software for the purpose of circumventing DRM.
… so, when are we launching?
On a serious note, I think I was wrong.
Assuming you can get into Mün’s SOI with an incredibly precise trajectory, you can MAYBE, sort of, lose kinetic energy by simply burning “upwards” at certain points, until you’re basically repeatedly going upwards then downwards relatively to the Mün. Its rotation is a problem, but tbh I haven’t played KSP in years and ffs I’m studying IT, not… whatever KSP is.
I imagine the latter isn’t too hard, you just have to get it right just before leaving the atmosphere (quick saves help); however, isn’t landing (not crashing nor rolling around) on the Mün without steering straight up impossible?
Though I can see some rocket landing on a planet with an atmosphere…
The first argument is more or less understandable (still wrong): you can’t just propel yourself upwards at your earliest convenience to reach the moon, you have to play around with orbital mechanics.
If your friend’s idea of a moon-worthy vessel is an unsteerable rocket with infinite fuel and a chair strapped to it… well the odds are effectively zero.
The second argument? bro, last time I checked the moon was still orbiting Earth
Maybe it’s because I played them all several times (the original ones, not the LE), but the gunfight mechanics are extremely okay enough to me - oddly enough Andromeda was the one I most enjoyed shooting in (though I didn’t finish it due to hardware problems).
Exploration as in sightseeing, yes you’re right, I forgot about it - though I don’t remember there being much actual exploration in 2 and 3? Granted, I either missed some things in 2, or they were included with some DLCs I didn’t have at first.