An open source re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
I really wish someone would do an OpenRCT3. It was so much fun being able to ride your creations. I had a 3D projector back then too, which made the game even more awesome. Such an underrated sequel.
And yes I’m aware that Planet Coaster exists but has anyone actually tried playing that game? They made everything way too complicated and I just can’t get into it. I don’t want to engineer every single bend and design the perfect landscaping from scratch, I just want to slap some rides together, see the guests come pouring in, and occasionally ride one of my rides. No game since RCT 3 has satisfied that itch for me.
You might want to have a look at parkitect! Its an hommage to rct1/2 but in a modern 3d presentation
OpenRCT2 is awesome, but as of now you still need the original commercial game to play it, since the open source version doesn’t have graphics.
Maybe one day they’re going to recreate graphics from scratch, like they did with the other Chris Sawyer’s reversed engineered game OpenTTD.
SuperTuxKart and Mindustry are so much fun!
Another vote for mindustry! That game is a blast.
Mindustry’s open source!? Love that game, didn’t know that.
Yeah! Here’s their GitHub
- OpenTTD
- Net hack
- Boom/Doom
- Quake/Quake 2
The ones that come to mind are Beyond All Reason and Battle For Wesnoth.
OpenRA and OpenTTD
OpenTTD is fantastic. The graphics might give new players pause, but if you like building networks or logistical puzzles, or just like trains, it’s still one of the best in the genre.
Mobile on Android: Shattered Pixel Dungeon and Techmino.
+1 for Pixel Dungeon, never heard of Techmino I’ll check it out
It’s Tetris but for mobile and very good quality
Tried to check it out - for me it’s neither on Google Play nor on F-Droid. Is it still supported and updated?
You have to get it directly from github. I use Obtainium to help with that.
it receives relatively frequent updates, and it uses love2d (with a native lua module for the AI) so it’s crossplatform.
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BAR is great – Total Annihilation was always one of my favorite games from childhood and BAR feels the most like it compared to other spiritual successors like SupCom/FA and other community projects. I actually tried to contribute a couple commits to the project but I don’t think they took them.
I also found bar from an open source thread on Lemmy. It’s such a good game. You a cortex or Armada player?
I’ve only been spamming cortex I haven’t tried arm yet.
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Since you’re in aus timezone you might see me around. I play most nights under the name Fizzz
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Space Station 13.
Too many amazing moments and memories to even count, always more to learn. I love how the open source nature of the game means there’s many different servers branching off from each other, running their own custom versions of the game. Smaller servers “downstream” pick and choose which features they want to keep when the upstream servers implement something new.
You might not be aware but there’s also a fairly content-rich successor project called SpaceStation 14! Its obviously nowhere near as featureful as 13 is, due to lack of development time but has a very active development community around it.
One of the major (imo) improvements is a move to per pixel “real time” movement instead of the tile movement of ss13, it helps make them game feel much more alive and interactive.
Definitely worth a look for fans of ss13, and its also open source and Linux compatible.
SS14 even has their own Lemmy instance.
Is there anyway to play on Linux? I’ve always wanted to try a role playing game but never found one that I think I’d vibe but ss13 looks right up my alley.
It’s not open source, but I do want to mention Barotrauma here – it’s not totally unheard of, but I don’t think many people realize that it’s a spiritual successor to SS13. Supports a lot less players, but still up to 12 or something on the bigger ships, and it manages to turn the absolute insanity of SS13 into a compelling survival game that still has plenty of goofiness.
I entered SS13 with the ssethtide and I stuck around past the worst of it but I haven’t logged in since probably 2021. Is it a good time to come back and see what’s up? I enjoyed high population servers and a lot of people were leaving with the tide around and before when I did. What’s an average server pop these days?
The overcomplexity of the game is part of why I love it so much but it’s also what drove me off of it, because I couldn’t figure out how to run an offline server to practice roles and I wasn’t trying to do my first day of engineering or doctoring on a public lobby if I could help it. I had a lot of fun in Mining and Cargo and occasionally just faffing about as an assistant helping Botany grow weed or bringing monkeys to the chef - but I’d like to learn “a real job” one of these days (he says, knowing exactly how pissed off everyone gets if mining or cargo either die or are understaffed). And most folks didn’t usually seem inclined to adopt assistants, unfortunately. Remember folks, adopt wandering assistants
and then spay and neuter thembecause unattended assistants will cook their hands off trying to break into the armory.I mostly play on tgstation’s european server Terry, which often gets up to 100 players in the busy hours.
I know exactly the kind of anxiety you mention when it comes to having to learn a new role. That was partly why I also had the idea of installing a server locally to tinker with the mechanics in, which fortunately tgstation actually makes very easy. My problem then is that I only have like 10 minutes alone on the station before the power runs out, and I have to go set up the solar panels to continue my experiments. Turns out being solo crew on a space station isn’t all that easy.
Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection
It’s available on Linux, Windows, Android, iOS, and the web.
I play them on my phone to pass time.
This is brilliant. Thank you!
Simutrans and Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
Can I finally create a city with proper public transportation, full of trams???😳
Wait, there’s opentdd, another similar game👀
Probably not unless you get public funding (eg, run a massive deficit, take control of the public AI to build stuff, debug features, etc) or you first create a resource chain or two to pay for transit.
Aw rip
I too hate myself
Endless Sky. And AisleRiot Solitaire.
Endless Sky is a great game, and the Android port is solid. If you liked any of the Escape Velocity games then you’ll love Endless Sky.
it’s not really a game, but openmw
Morrowind was Bethesda’s peak moment, so obviously foss engine keeping it alive to this day is awesome!
Cube 2 Sauerbraten, an online FPS. Not many players left anymore though.
I played this in high school circa 2013. There was a server up 24/7 that hosted an infinite loop of the Venice map that always had the highest server pop. You’d occasionally find other servers going, or be able to host your own and get randoms, but more often than not, I played a TON of Venice for about a year. Good times.
24/7 insta team Venice is still a thing! Normally less than 5 players on it nowadays though.
Is this something like counterstrike/tf2? Seems interesting
Edit: I see there are Assault Cube, Assault Cube reloaded, Xonotic etc. Didnt know there were so many
More similar to counterstrike than tf2, but I’d consider it more of a Quake clone. The (probably) less than 50 players only really play CTF nowadays.
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead Battle for Wesnoth OpenTTD Doom
Endless Sky for me
Me too.
It’s a modern Escape Velocity and captures the feel of those games very very well.