It won’t stop “anyone”, I’ve been lead to believe there are ways even after a single pass, to recover data. if I had anything to hide, I would use a physical destruction method, nothing else
It won’t stop “anyone”, I’ve been lead to believe there are ways even after a single pass, to recover data. if I had anything to hide, I would use a physical destruction method, nothing else
Use shred , it will automate multiple random passes, and finish with a zero pass.
I don’t like that it doesn’t give me alternative route options, there are times I want the shortest, not the quickest, or sometimes I want to stick to main roads, and not go through small villages even though I might save 5 minutes. Also, being offline, the routing for a long journey can be cumbersome in my potato phone/aftermarket android car radio.
I love the routing options, and use it in my aftermarket android car radio but it’s not quite as good as gmaps for address search.
There are some that flash super bright, and super fast, in winter, when driving home in the dark, it feels like I’m on the verge of an epileptic fit, must be a nightmare for those who have to live with that shining in through their windows.
He’s been drunk with power since he was elected, and it’s only gotten worse as his mandate has borne out.
I used to hate the idea of full board hotels in Spain, there was nothing more boring than staying in the same place for more than a few days, but now I have 3 kids, I love the idea of someone else cooking, cleaning, and serving me cheap drinks. Best bit, is when the kids ask me to play with them, I can actually say yes!
I work for an it department who resells their old stock online, we scrub the disks before sales, physical destruction is not possible.