Then all the gods must be real too according to your statistics. Now tell me, which is the right one to follow? I better pick a side soon
Then all the gods must be real too according to your statistics. Now tell me, which is the right one to follow? I better pick a side soon
Your algorithm I guess - I hardly see any political content there and when I do is mostly the opposite, or satire.
Right. I’m intrigued now. I can’t say my situation relates to yours and I didn’t know that was the trend in many places
I know this is probably a very dumb question but I must ask- are there no malls near you or which is the reason you miss them so much? I work at a mall, it doesn’t have a fountain in particular (others do) but otherwise it’s still pretty much as you described
Hand scrubber wash. You know the hand soap/lotion thing full of beads to scrub your hands clean? Love that. I’d get in a tub of that.
… You’re wrong :)
TIL But I still have questions, what is the point of having a conical bottle for seeds? Judging by the second image, these things need to be stored upside down and you also need a base for them not to roll away. Why bother against gravity so much just to store seeds?
Is that for real? What’s the point in having a butt plug with that inside? I obviously don’t have much knowledge on the subject
It was the shape of the toilet what I couldn’t picture, not the usage
Thanks for those! Clear as day.
I am a vagina owner from birth, I never imagined the toilet bowl shape would pose an issue to penis owners. From reading your comment I’m still unsure of which toilet bowls you’re talking about, I would appreciate if you (or anyone, really) could point to images of both so I, and potentially others, can compare. TIA
Wild tangerine? Am I on the right track here? Zany Apples?
Absolutely disgusting I hope she can get away without paying. Ridiculous
Hmm, maybe he has two left feet?
Someone stole that woman’s shadow, the zebra crossing stripe is so white under her shoes
Thanks, $9 AUD is on the pricier end. I can make a conversion too but I find I need the context of the cost of living for it to make sense, hence why I compared it to other food prices.
Also- are these free range, cage free or cage eggs?
I’m a woman and I absolutely love eggs, if someone gifted me a dozen I would get excited.
Now, I kept seeing references about egg prices being ridiculous here on Lemmy. I live in Australia and free range eggs here are rather expensive, around $6 - $9 a dozen. For some perspective for Americans, here with $8.90 you can get a Big Mac (no fries, no drinks), or for $7.95 a regular size popcorn chicken at KFC. Personally the average cost of groceries if I am cooking myself is around $15 to $20 per day, but I don’t eat a lot.
How do egg prices stack against other things in the States?
I can’t speak much about the recipes because I’m not much into cooking, I’ve seen several of his books and I didn’t find them particularly anything. As for his personality, he seems like a nice guy as far as I’ve seen, with reservations since I’m not a fan or a follower.
TLDR: * Shrugs * eh
Are you hitting up on someone at a pub/bar? Just initiate conversation and focus on the person you want. You can exchange details with both and then follow up with your interest. And if you like both and A doesn’t engage, you now have B too.
Ohhhhh i see, well, I’m relieved to know this means the ancient greek pantheon is the right one to follow and not just my personal preference. Guess I might start showing some public devotion then.
I agree with you in faith ≈ conservation energy. I already pray to my own personal Patron Saint of the Parking Spot, his name is José btw in case you ever find yourself stressing over finding where to park; you’re welcome to pray to him too. So far I’ve always managed to park in time.
I hope Zeus and co. don’t mind I pray to him, times have changed I guess, I’m sure they’ll all get along well. Okay gotta go now, I need to go read my horoscope now that I know statistics back it up.