Yeah, I fucking wish I was only 30.
Is there anything you wish you did when you were 30?
Buy bitcoin.
Dude, I knew so early about it, people were just giving them away. I thought it was a scam, still do but I could have been the beneficiary of the scam instead of just a passive observer.
same. i had a friend that was going to pay me 2 bitcoins to drive him 20 minutes to check out a car and then back if he didn’t buy it. i decided that i would just do it for free because we were friends and i didn’t want to figure out the wallet stuff. woops.
I’d be one ugly 30 year old if I were 30
it’s not a bidding lol
50 I’m not going higher
oh you are
Looks at the state of the world.
You sure about that?
you’re gonna keep living, it’s just gonna be less fun
Not if it’s not more fun than a 12ga slug. Not even meaning this in a depression way, I’ll keep working for and looking towards a better future. But when shit really hits the fan I’m not going to be starving to death in a ditch because of environmental collapse or becoming an actual slave to a facist regime. The way I see it, there’s worse things than a quick death.
ever see “comic book confidential”?
“if you are going down in flames, hit something big.”
Price is Right rules?
My former doctor: “Ya. You probably have ADHD but you’re fine. You’ve learned to cope with it.”
Me: Drinking half a bottle of Jim Beam every night to “cope”.
Side note: nice seeing you around again Stamets. The meme quality was suffering in your absence.
Heard that before. “Learned to cope” does not mean “Is coping healthily” you asshats.
And thanks buddy <3
Narrator: they were not fine
Me too. Son’s dyslexic and I’m noticing a lot of ADHD traits in him. And it all reminds me a lot of how I was and it just explains a lot of the things in my life. Just got to get around to finding a therapist for him and me…
I’m going through all the stuff with all of my kids. I just started the diagnosis process last week for myself. I just thought all of this was normal and getting old.
Erm, embarrassingly older.
Nah, I think this is a no embarrassment zone. Get cozy.
The best part is being 53 and still totally believing it every single day. I’m going to absolutely crush tomorrow!!!
Haha. High five (10 times and then high three). 1971 babies unite! (…tomorrow).
I’m gonna do my meditation via the monroe institute tapes… starting… uhhh… in five minutes
I think this every single day when my alarm wakes me for Gym.
So, uh, serious question. Is it not like this for everyone?
Apparently some people can just…get stuff done somehow?
You are young and life is long
And there is time to kill today
And then one day you find
Ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run
You missed the starting gun
That’s the thing about ADHD memes, they tend to resonate with a lot of people who are apparently not ADHD.
I’m not an expert and others here will explain this better than me.
If this behaviour is an indicator of ADHD, then the severity could be arranged along a spectrum. Someone with ADHD is more likely to exhibit the behaviour in an excessive and harmful way.
Apparently not. I am just learning this myself. Go see a doctor (assuming you are in a location that doesn’t treat healthcare like it’s pay to win).
Nope, most people can’t imagine struggling to motivate yourself
It’s not even a question of motivation. Every ADHD person I know is highly motivated. It’s the ability to act on that motivation that’s impaired.
I’m not sure that’s true.
Like when you set some important object down in a random spot and genuinely believe you’ll remember where it is when you need it again, in spite of this never working ever.
edit: for reference, seconds after posting this I looked to the left and noticed the lovely piece of pie I brought in here with my tea about a half hour ago. I’ve almost finished my tea.
If I had a nickel for every time I’ve gone looking in a closet for something to work on project #7 and found the missing piece to project #4 I put right there to remember…I would promptly lose the change jar for a year or so
Bought an insulated mug for my tea this year, game changer.
yep, but ADHD is not a disability. Right? Everyone is sometimes unorganized or slacks around for a day…
/s just to be extra sure.
✨✨ It’s a super power! ✨✨
<sound of loading shotgun>
Mid-40s like most everyone else here apparently
I work a job where I deal with a lot of deadlines. I’ve never missed one, but my priority schedule works on a FAFO basis. We FA until it comes to being almost time to FO, and we really don’t want to FO.
So then I tear ass through my tasks until I’ve done two weeks worth of work in an afternoon lol
Just keep forcing every task through your adrenal glands, I’m sure that’s a useful long term strategy
… he says as he does the exact same thing
That’s how I pack for trips. My wife thinks lists are the way to go. I keep telling her if she just waits until the last minute I’ll do it all myself in record time. Probably get everything, too.
I just pack my wallet and cross fingers on whatever else I forgot haha
Well, all but one or two important things. But that’s why God invented Walmart
I brush my teeth, take a bath, take a shit, trim my beard, wear clothes all while my wife still choosing what to wear.
She says it everytime - What!? you even fucking shaved in this time!!
I used to do tasks out of spite. I hated myself so I forced myself to do things to spite myself. So if you’re looking for a change in unhealthy coping stratagies then theres that.
There’s a part I need to install in my car. The box has been sitting right next to the front door for two weeks…I’ll knock it out over the weekend I promise
(Narrator: He will in fact most likely watch hockey and drink beer on the couch)
This feels personal because I’m literally in the exact situation. Lmao
Me too, except I think it’s been about a year now and the box slid off the back of my desk.
lol 30. Hitting 41 and still don’t get it. But 42 will show me the meaning of life and everything.
Incorrect. I just hit 43, and there’s no meaning of life, the universe, or anything.
The cake is a lie.
Though I do get the joke, the meaning of life is what you make of it. If you expect it to reveal itself to you at one point, you’ll be disappointed.
The meaning of life is what you make of it, if you are able. Pretty big caveat.
Then you get medicated and you realise that even when you do things shit still takes time to do.
Yeah. Adderall gives me the drive, but not the motivation. Video games still usually win over chores.
Yeah the spreadsheet audit I was supposed to have done by January 1st has not gotten much more interesting
I got a referral to get screened, but they never submitted the referral. I followed up about 8 months later at my annual physical, because that’s kind of how this works. My doc asked if I went, I said I never got a call from them, and she said I should have called sooner and not wait so long, which is mildly infuriating given the nature of the condition I think I have. After my apt, they sent off a referral and told me I could expect a call within a few days. It never came, so I messaged my physicians office a couple of weeks later and they gave me the number of the center to call and follow up on the referral, which is now months later and not done. I know I just have to make a call, but it feels damn near like the hardest thing I need to do. I’m also heavily considering changing physicians. The first slip up is infuriating, but whatever, it’s easier to stay than switch doctors. However, the response I received telling me to follow up on the referral that the doctor’s office submitted feels like someone who didn’t want to deal with me.
Anyway… 35 here and it gets worse each year, so I really do need to follow up and at least see if it’s something I can get meds for, or if I’m just screwed up and need to just “cope” until I die. The alcohol consumption will probably ensure that I’m not old and decrepit, so I’ve got that going for me.
I mean, that’s really shit. I got the GP screening October '22, referral hit the mental health team November '22, I called February '23 to see where I was on the list and how long I could expect to wait. Was told I was around 750 in line, and to expect a wait of 7.5-8 years. I called November '23, I was around 735 and definitely 8 years at least, but there’s a streamline coming for the past 6 years that could make it a few months wait tops. Called November '24…730. I was only remembering to call after the first time because they’d send a letter around when they enrolled me to the wait list every year and ask if my brain had got better on it’s own, or I had managed to afford private treatment and if they could take me off the list.
Wow. So after my initial discussion with my physician, I was told it could be a few months. I have a sister that in the past year or two also got a referral and is now getting care for ADHD. If someone told me I’d be on a list for even a year before a screening, I’d write it off as just something that’s not going to happen. I can’t imagine a doctor telling me something would take 7+ years, and then having that more or less validated. My dude, you’ve got my sympathy, and I hope things are functioning ok for you and you get the help your looking for. I shouldn’t take my situation for granted and just get it done.
The healthcare system here has been savagely underfunded for decades, mental health more so. I’ve been chasing up non-profit places to try and get coaching or something, and exploring options for affordable private health insurance. My life hasn’t imploded yet, but it’s sure trying. I am currently able to hold down a full time job, I’m not homeless, and my marriage hasn’t dissolved…for now.
I wasn’t trying to say, like: oh you think you have it bad? Well buddy let me clue you in!
The fact your doctor knew you were probably suffering from something that would prevent you from easily following up, then chiding you for waiting so long to ask about it…is just ridiculous. I hope we both get the help we need soon,
It really helps me to make calendar entries with loud notifications if I really need to do something. Maybe that could help you as well :)
It’s less about remembering, which is kind of a short term problem, and more about just doing it. I know it will be painless and probably take less than 10 minutes, but I just can’t get to doing it. I’m hoping this post and the conversations inspire me to do that on Friday.
As far as calendars, I try to use one, and if there is a link for appt that I can click that will add an item, I do, but it’s like the phone call. Using a calendar is just something I can’t get myself to do no matter I much I know I can and should.
Hey, it’s not necessarily shit to change primary doctors! Most places have biographies and patient reviews you can look at. I have similar issues to manage, and seeing people with my same issue give feedback in reviews was so helpful. I ended up finding a provider I’m very comfortable with, and he listens to me. Every visit. I
t’s so possible! Please let me know if I can help. You’ve got this. It’s just a temporary setback, and you’ll joke about it later.