Well, all but one or two important things. But that’s why God invented Walmart
Well, all but one or two important things. But that’s why God invented Walmart
Just keep forcing every task through your adrenal glands, I’m sure that’s a useful long term strategy
… he says as he does the exact same thing
Sometimes I do, if it falls squarely in the realm of one of my obsessions
deleted by creator
Don’t do Waydroid, its way too slow and buggy for what you’re wanting. I’d highly suggest Genymotion and have been using it on touchscreen 2in1s for a few months without issue, even with Play Store
There’s magic in those old 90s Hondas, I’ve seen it. I had a stripped valve cover bolt and couldn’t figure out how I could fix it short of a head replacement. The answer? Plug it with a rubber and metal washer sandwich and a bolt, and tighten the ones next to it a lil more. Never leaked. Thing was a champ
I think you have to deflate to the year to make it equal to $5k today. For instance, if we go back to 1635, we’re looking at $131.62/day
Absolutely, oil and car companies. And they were behind the push for highway bypasses (conveniently running through immigrant and PoC neighborhoods) and suburbs (many of them redlined and outright racial exclusionary.
Dude, thank you for saying that about the Mexican food. I’ve been saying this online for a while and it’s not well understood how good it is all the way across the US, even in small towns. Now, there are regional differences, as you would expect, but it’s only a bit worse than Mexico and way better than just about anywhere else in the world
Americans don’t play about Mexican food. We want it high quality, high quantity, and we’ll support it
Since we’re talking Ubuntu, I’d add
“flatpak update” and “snap refresh” to the cron
I’ve had really good experience with Genymotion android emulation on Linux, even on underpowered devices. Might work well to do video calls
Unless its something like Bitwarden where you can use it even if they go offline, can take an encrypted or unencrypted backup of your local passwords/accounts, and are FOSS so you can easily self-host your own version if anything happens where you want to cut ties (thanks Vaultwarden!). They’re an awesome company and one I highly suggest supporting with a paid account
Thank you, I missed that
Most of this is right, but needs some things corrected.
LOS is kept up by individual maintainers of the devices, and so it can cover more of them. But that also means you expand your attack surface to lineage, maintainer, microg, etc. And that’s just on supported devices. Unofficial devices are even more wild-west, having much delayed releases, OS updates, security updates, everything.
Not only that, but Lineage requires that you unlock your bootloader and often have your phone rooted to be able to do everything. This introduces special points of insecurity and possible issues in the future.
GOS is from a single source, for a single line of phones, and uses a designed method to load cryptographically signed ROMs onto the device, and then validate updates using the same method. The Play Services are sandboxed and disabled by default, so you can just never use them if you want. Overall, this makes for a more cohesive device. One that is more private and more secure. Especially so, when you can buy a new Pixel device and have guaranteed updates for as long as Google will do so for the same device.
This is good info OP, this is the basics of how you fix it