Haha i was reading along worried you still believed this.
It looks solid but
Haha i was reading along worried you still believed this.
It looks solid but
Because I don’t care what company it is. Compare apples and apples don’t fall for the stupid political double speak that has gotten Amerca to where it is.
Propaganda is propaganda regardless of if you agree with it or not
I don’t really know what NPR is National Political Radio?
My point is their 1% budget from your Orange Dad isn’t revenue and doesn’t come from providing a service.
Your big chest Daddy Musks revenue comes from providing a service
Why is it framed like that though revenue vs budget?
Revenue is money received for work done etc.
Budget is money allocated for the purpose of getting things done.
So Space X provides a service NPR is floated along.
Unless the poster was genuinely wrong on their terms here.
Not that I’m defending any of this but just don’t make unfair comparisons and think it’s great.
I play golf, some days I wouldn’t even call it a hobby more like penance and a walk in the trees and sticks
So with the share prices dropping out, the war will be over very soon
As good as that would be, RvB was the profitable part of the business along with RWBY.
I can’t imagine them being among the “left over” assets of the company.
Either way I listen to Good Morning Gustavo (formally ANMA) and So, Alright…
That’s the extent of my Roosterteeth viewings for the past few years.
The RT podcast fell off for me along with everything else they were doing
There’s literally dozens of us
Yeah I heard that, but i don’t think Burnie bought the rights to RVB just Roosterteeth
Yeah me too,
Thank you
Haha well done
I have no understand
Down with americocentrenism
Hahah when I first read this i thought you meant leaving jt alone fixed it.
I was surprised
Not any more, now you got a whole other thing going on
I just pack my wallet and cross fingers on whatever else I forgot haha
I’m just here for the memes, some of the best memes saved in my phone are from this community.
I see no need to shut it down over some drama, especially since it’s just that
Please don’t use the a word i don’t like it
I fell out of an aeroplane with no parachute and lived.
Was sweeping the little Cessna out when i stepped back missed the step and went arse over head into the tarmac.