Or where they currently live.
Or, the case of NYC Puerto Ricans, both (New Yorican lol)
Or where they currently live.
Or, the case of NYC Puerto Ricans, both (New Yorican lol)
I still have the lava lamp my first girlfriend gave me. It’s strange, there’s so many things from that time in my life that remind me of her. Even certain locations take me back, when I’m visiting my old stomping grounds. But not that lava lamp. It’s just a light
Oh, sorry, i thought we were shitposting on a meme. Ok, serious lore stuff.
The Valar (gods) would not be affected by the Ring. Yes. However, the undying lands are also inhabited by Maiar (wizards, balrogs, etc.) and Eldar (elves) who could most definitely be corrupted by the Ring. After the attack by Ungoliant and Morgoth on the Two Trees of Light the Valar were very picky about who could enter Valinor. Hell, they sundered the seas just to further control access to their shores.
So I think it’s pretty safe to say the Ring would not be permitted access to the West, directly prevented by the Valar themselves. They would never permit the taint of corruption in their own halls
Heh heh, taint
Absolutely. The Valar would love to have the One Ring on their shores. They are huge fans of anyone aligned with Morgoth. Having the One Ring, with all of the power Sauron bestowed on it, it’s corrupting influence working it’s way into the minds of the Eldar, would be the best thing since Ungoliant drank the sap of Laurelin and Telperion. The Valar would be like “Hell yeah, brother!” and totally would not prevent the Ring from reaching the shores of Valinor
True. That’s how I installed Lineage on my old Pixel and set up my home server. I just know I have a limited amount of time before I lose interest, so everything has to be mastered and running smoothly before the clock runs out.
Jesus that’s accurate
This is the answer. It’s the intersection of those with strong personal opinions and the power (money) to speak their mind without true repercussions, and the power (money) hungry who are following the strongest zeitgeist in the halls of power.
The zeitgeist exists because the entrenched powerful ones are currently using trans people and migrants as a wedge between different parts of the working class. It used to be homosexuals and communists. Or abortions and hippies. Or slaves. Or indigenous people. Ad nauseum. It’s about keeping the working class divided and maintaining power. This is the latest version. And it’s not just in the US BTW
People like Rowling are new money working class that fell for the con
I think Peanuts is speaking from JKR’s perspective, not justifying it
But I also skimmed bits of both of your comments. It’s ironic really, because I’m equally verbose
I’m not sure, I’m using documents produced by a larger org. The message I get if i try to edit the locked parts is:
The author has locked parts of this document. You can make changes only to the unlocked parts.
Btw i tried using Google docs on these Word files and the formatting broke in all kinds of terrible ways.
I know the idea here is to maintain consistent branding among the franchises. Anything sent back to the parent org needs to be in docx format, with no changes to the locked elements. If that can be done with a FOSS program, great! Local use has more leeway, but broken formatting is a nonstarter
One of the organizations I work with uses Word docs with locked fields. How does only office do with that style of chestnut?
The runway-numbers drop the LAST, not the 1st, numeral,
Yes, thank you, i meant what you wrote, but said the opposite. A not infrequent error, sadly
I had forgotten about the battery backup. I’m not sure what the law is in S. Korea and surrounding countries. If the accident plane only flew in Asia and none of the destination countries required that equipment they may not have had backup batteries for the CVR/FDR. Dunno about any of that tho
Mid-40s like most everyone else here apparently
Didn’t Starbuck fly one of these against the Cylons?
Is this dialysis? Or a high percentage transfusion?
The only way this makes sense medically to me is if they are filtering the pfas out of the blood or doing blood replacement.
GNU Terry Pratchett
I don’t think I would introduce someone to NG’s work if they were unfamiliar with him. So in that sense, yes, talking about them gives them relevance. However, i disagree that pirating in some way benefits the artist. Promotion does.
Where I do see an alignment with Sir Terry is from Reaper Man. Until the person’s works come to a finish, they continue to live. The thing is, will they live on loved, like Terry Pratchett, or hated, like Jimmy Saville. I didn’t believe in hell. But I think, particularly for an artist or entertainer, the knowledge that after you die your memory will be hated, well, that’s a living hell of it’s own for a certain type of person. I genuinely hope Harvey Weinstein the rapist is one of those people.
But back to the point. I’m not paying anything in mental energy if I watch Sandman again. If NG is a cunt, it doesn’t change the fact that Morpheus, Lord of the Dreaming, is a BAMF and I’ll watch the shit out of his show
Perhaps the first impeached and arrested under the rule of law and not by coup, revolt, assassination, or regime change?
I dunno, this isn’t Star Wars so I know very little about it
🟩 me when accosted by an irate middle aged woman while exiting the pointlessly gendered single seat bathroom (I am a fully housebroken husband)
ETA: by housebroken I mean i sit when i pee and clean up anything left on the bowl or seat that flushing doesn’t handle. It’s just good manners
ETA: man I’m glad i responded as i did, the poster I was replying to is clearly a troll.
Annual vpn subscription: $75
20 TB home server: $450
Enjoying the art while the shitheel artist doesn’t profit: Priceless
When you want an artist to benefit from their creative works, support them directly. For everything else, there’s piracy
So i know (hope) this is satire. I’m also aware that people latch on to dumb things and propagate them, like Flat Earth and the like. So I’ll clarify that with a 2% morality rate there were literally dead bodies stacking up in the streets in NYC.
The only reason the right wing propaganda machine was successful in misinforming rural areas was because the administrations efforts to reduce/slow the spread of COVID, haphazard as it was, turned out to be successful in preventing mass deaths like that seen in NYC. And it was a close thing.
The thing is people are so goddamned gullible, so credulous of their media of choice, that a 30% mortality rate would only fuel more dumbshittery