A majority of Britons believe Elon Musk negatively impacts UK politics, according to an Opinium poll.
Musk has used his platform X to criticize Keir Starmer and Labour’s stance on grooming gang inquiries, calling Starmer “deeply complicit” and accusing Jess Phillips of being a “rape genocide apologist.”
53% of voters believe Musk’s involvement in British politics is negative, while 47% find his comments about grooming gangs unhelpful. Only 12% see his involvement positively.
Reform UK supporters oppose his criticism of Nigel Farage, and public opinion on another national grooming inquiry remains divided.
He’s having negative impacts wherever he goes
True story… Fuck that guy. I hope he rots.
Who’d believe that a consistent prick would continue to be a consistent prick in other areas?
I feel like Musk doesn’t have much to work with in UK politics. In the US and continental Europe, his pattern has been to find the “barbarians at the gates” and use his resources to help open up the gates. In the UK, the barbarians kinda already sacked the city a while ago with Brexit. There’s not much left that Musk can do to mix things up.
Things can always get worse
It’s also a hell of a lot easier to control a nation when you control one of the only two parties in a two party system.
The UK and Europe (at least in any of the European countries I know about) do not have two-party systems.
Elon can control the far right, but the moderate European right has become pretty turned off by him. Even some of the far right is sick of him. I mean he even lost Nigel Farage and that guy is a master suck-up.
Unfortunately the UK does have a 2 party system, we have pretty much all the same electoral bullshit as the US just in parliment flavour.
If that were true, Musk would not be pushing for Reform UK to win elections. He’s not backing the Tories.
We kind of have a 3 party system in the UK with the third party being a mix of parties. There’s no realistic chance of anyone except the Conservative and Labour parties to win the majority in parliament. Sometimes the two main parties need the support of one of the other parties to get a majority.
I think that Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland might be the same but the two main parties are different for them.
I don’t know why Musk would support Reform UK as that wouldn’t really increase the chances of them forming a government in the time of his short attention span. The best that he can hope for is for them to become the third largest party in the next election but that would stuff the Conservatives chances of winning that election because most of Reform UK votes would come from them.
The problem is that all of that 12% is going to vote, while how many of the rest won’t?
I’m actually more worried by the 35% that didn’t seem to have an opinion.
Increasingly I tend to believe that there are some topics where not having an opinion does make one a bad person.
History will remember Musk. Let’s work together to make that memory as accurate as possible.
He is absolutely damaging to everything and everyone he touches. Just plain toxic waste on two legs with 400billions. The definition of a capitalist.
I think some of us still remember the whole ‘pedo guy’ thing that started his public slide into becoming a low charisma version of Hank Scorpio.
Some of us find him weird and he triggers an uncanny valley response since he seems close to being human while obviously not being one.
A lot of Brits like subtlety and nuance and he has none.
A lot of Brits cheer on the underdog and his photo appears in the thesaurus under the antonyms section for ‘underdog’.
Me, all of the above.
He’s just a daft fucking nonce. Even the glue sniffing inbreds can see he’s a dopey cunt.
Just wait. It will get worse.
Good. Please keep interfering and destroying the British far right.
Edit: People don’t want the far right destroyed? Because that’s what Elon is going to do. He’s going to ensure they have no chance of winning. And good.
I wish I was as confident as you. Here in the US his and Trumps shenanigans actually got them the win because people buy the lies and believe the world is falling down and the right wing is the only way to fix things… and those people are the motivated ones that go vote.
I think this legitimisation of them will only make them stronger. Growing up in the UK, the far right was so inconsequential it might not have existed. Small pockets of nutters who were ridiculed any time they tried to organise, nothing more. Now they’re a serious problem, they’re recruiting young men by the ton, and they’re coming in second n elections everywhere. These views are becoming mainstream, you hear them on the street and in the pub. They aren’t a majority yet, but their rise has been mercurial to say the last. If the trend continues we will have a white nationalist in power by the end of this decade. And I’m not seeing any signs of delay. Interesting times 😔
I think seeing what Trump does to America will change a lot of minds.
I hope (desperately) that you’re right. There’s always hope.
Farage […] has spoken to Musk since his comments about him not being up to the job. Farage says he does not believe that any lasting damage has been done to their relationship.
Hahaha what a dweeb.
And yet they’ll probably vote in line with the wretched people and policies he advocates for.
Right Elon, you’ve made the spaceships and electric cars. Cheers for that. Now fuck off and disappear up your own arse.
rape genocide apologist
What’s rape genocide? Is he gonna genocide rapists or something?
Realize, not “Believe”
I stand corrected, he has had a negative impact!
He definitely helped trump win.