I’d go a bit further and say Camacho was actually pretty proactive, he did after all institute that nation wide intelligence test to find someone to tell him how to fix everything, and was humble enough to listen to that person once he found him.
I’d go a bit further and say Camacho was actually pretty proactive, he did after all institute that nation wide intelligence test to find someone to tell him how to fix everything, and was humble enough to listen to that person once he found him.
Honestly fuck it we know appeasment doesn’t work, I’d rather have WW3 now when Ruzzia is still just a middle power with a ton of second hand equipment than let them take half of eastern europe and build up some serious strength before finally having WW3 anyway.
Fucking Idiocracy is competence porn at this point, Camacho was an idiot but damn was he actually really competent if you think about the events of the movie.
Unfortunate slight difference, The US was unwilling to go full scorched earth, the potential effect of the US bomber fleet using just conventional munitions was described as having the potential to do almost as much devastation as a nuclear strike, despite the warcrimes the US still held back. I doubt Putin would bat an eye at such a policy we’re simply fortunate the russian military simply isn’t capable of that kind of attack.
Because Ukranian troops have 2 things Russian troops will never have.
Didn’t Russia already sieze all the assets they left behind? What are they gonna do levey a another quadrillion-trillion ruble fine that no ones ever going to pay?
Pretty sure Poland is already on course to exceed 5%.
The concept isn’t entierly unlike fracking though there are some key differences.
Now pumping high pressure water into the ground could have some localized seismic effects though they should be pretty minimal as the best kind of rock for this kind of deep well geothermal is dense hard rock than carries more heat energy.
And a never ending insurgency?
Has the US fought anyone even near parity since WWII? Its a big army but it has a hard time defeating guys living in tents and caves without resorting to carpet bombing.
The clear answer is the Euro, its a decently strong currency and the EU can’t stop bickering long enough to pull off a conspiracy like that.
I recently discovered windows actually has a set of far more specific troubleshooters which actually provide useful information about a problem but you have to dig around in legacy settings to find them.
I’m reading that Trump actually caved by sending people in non-miltary planes and not chained up which was the just the existing agreement. The pro Trump media is just spinning it as ‘Colombia caved’ to make him look good.
Isn’t Mexico considering a panama canal alternative of their own? If they can actually get it done then a Trump take over of the panama canal would probably just go badly for the US in the long run.
Unfortunately the UK does have a 2 party system, we have pretty much all the same electoral bullshit as the US just in parliment flavour.
Not sure why people are so hung up about it, it’s been gradually losing ground to the euro and usd anyway.
Nah let us back in but as a standard new member without any of the special shit, please our government needs adult supervision.
Haven’t both Taiwan and China both been stockpiling an essentially unlimited supply of long range anti-ship missiles for about a decade now? I can’t imagine China having a fun time even landing troops but it’d be equally hellish for any US ships attempting to exist in the general area.
Technically the person being punched is the machine in this situation, the fist is the thing being measured.
Exactly its not some mysterious problem no matter how much the government and media try to frame it as one, people of the age to have kids have no time for kids and no money for kids so no wonder they have no desire for kids.