Mask completely off now. It’s good old Ethnic Cleansing time, with our full and enthusiastic support.
Mask completely off now. It’s good old Ethnic Cleansing time, with our full and enthusiastic support.
Yeah but not officially. Putin is a “strong leader” not a “dictator”
I’m not so sure China will be on their side.
I mean a lot of terminology you can argue about but forcefully removing an certain ethnic group from their home region so another group can take over, that’s pretty much the textbook definition.
Don’t worry soon there won’t be any more environmental regulations.
haha I did I just skimmed the headline. I guess great minds… <_<
Can we get a picture of him in front of a “mission accomplished” banner, ideally on an aircraft carrier?
Farage […] has spoken to Musk since his comments about him not being up to the job. Farage says he does not believe that any lasting damage has been done to their relationship.
Hahaha what a dweeb.
Ain’t democracy grand? We can sit on our asses, put a ballot in a box every 4 years and if it doesn’t go our way we can just pretend nothing that happens is our fault.
This is just the dumbest take. Anyone criticizes democrats and it’s “hur dur both sides, dum centrist”
No one said Clinton is identical to Trump. But the democrats absolutely deserve to be called out over all the horror that happened under their watch. Did Obama close Guantanamo? Did he stop the endless questionable drone strikes? Get us out of Afghanistan? And who benefited from those little adventures? The same military contractors that always do.
This one right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5YxvA-M898
Very nice
I wasn’t aware they considered Zionist a negative term. I was under the impression they were proudly Zionist.
For years if not decades Israeli hardliners have been using Nazi style rhetoric describing Palestinians as subhuman. It’d be a joke if it wasn’t so horrifying.
Killing the head of a terrorist organization won’t help if you don’t fix the underlying issues.He will be replaced in short order, usually by someone worse. Likewise this kind of political movement.
What the left in Europe (well in my country at least) still doesn’t understand is that they’re not going to fix this by lecturing the populist voters about how all their thoughts and ideas are wrong.
Both being a bigot for money and pointing out bigots for money is big business. Neither is going anywhere fast.
I mean I didn’t love it but the hate it gets seems a bit over the top. Would’ve been better as just an animated movie though.
You might not give a shit but the American elections are going to have a huge impact no matter where you live. It’s world news. And yeah there’s a lot of nonsense news about the US elections but there’s plenty of nonsense news elsewhere too. Why not start a lemmy community specifically about non-US news if you feel that’s lacking?
I think this is exactly what I’d like to change about Lemmy’s culture, the same thing that happened (more extreme) to Reddit.
The guy above you made a stupid remark. Then you come along and say to yourself “I bet I can out-asshole this guy, let me write something equally asinine and insulting, that will raise the level of this discussion” The same lame brained tit-for-tat bullshit that destroys our political debate.
I don’t necessarily disbelieve that number but the “Jewish People Policy Institute” is a reactionary right wing think tank that has great interest in pushing that narrative, so I wouldn’t take that number for absolute truth either.