We use a timed feeder for our cat’s breakfast. I don’t force DST on her lol.
Ditto. Now they only pester us when the hopper is empty.
My cat was so upset/confused this morning, demanding food while my wife and I were still asleep
Holy hell. 5:30am nose licks come really early. It’s only an hour but it’s an important hour.
My household was livid this morning.
“It doesn’t matter what the rest of the world is doing, WE had an arrangement”
They’re not wrong. Changing time is bullshit.
I have a friend with one of those automatic food dispensers that releases food at set times
The cats hate the time change (and I mean, fair). They’re probably screaming right now
I just never update the machine clock so the cats don’t know, except now we’re sleeping an hour later than they’re used to.
The capitalize on the extra snuggle time though.
It’s an absolute calamity here. My four haven’t stopped reminding me for the last 30 minutes. They still have 30 minutes to wait. They will wait.
Why? Like what does it matter?
It matters because, if you give in to their demands, some cats will learn that they only have to annoy you enough to get food, and they will be happy to repeat this at the earliest convenience.
That makes sense.
poor guy wasting away before your very eyes
My cats are not amused.
I just feed my dog twice per day whenever he tells me he’s hungry. Idk why he’d have to be on a strict schedule, as long as it’s relatively regular.
There was an attempted mutiny in my living room!
Lol I’m currently experiencing this now with my cat as I read this post
I planned ahead for this. She’s got dry food out anyway, and doesn’t get the wet stuff until about an hour into the morning routine, but she does want me to get up and give her attention. So a month ago I set the alarm half an hour later and moved some tasks to the night before. Last night I set the clocks back and also moved the alarm back from 6:30 to 6. Between no alarm and the longer darkness, she was willing to let me sleep the extra half hour.
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welcome to my house twice a year.
Fuck standard time, all my homies hate standard time.
No, they hate switching. Switching to DST is the actual enemy. Standard only seems terrible because we don’t just keep shit like normal, so when we switch back to standard, it feels fucked.
But that’s because the switch to DST is the real enemy!
Also, bug catchers, Germans, and capitalism.
Nah man. I hate standard time. Prefer it to still be dark at 7 am to dark at 4 pm.
Permanent dst pls
We even passed a bill where I live (Washington state), but Congress hasn’t approved it so we’re stuck. Wonder what would happen if we just did it anyway. What is the U.S. government going to do, send the cops after our state legislature?
Nope, the sun setting at 4:30 blows.
But extra hour of seepies