I would love to see short brief interruptions.
Not enough that period due, but enough that it’s a huge pain when computer systems go down and network switches have to reboot.
I would love to see short brief interruptions.
Not enough that period due, but enough that it’s a huge pain when computer systems go down and network switches have to reboot.
Mine, the burden is.
I can never get to that second part.
Legally I’m not sure if that counts.
I’m calling the internet police to conduct a wellness check.
Is that a book about a Java library?
What a beautiful cat! Your obstacle course is awesome, I’m glad she likes it.
It’s been nice to see your updates as she’s been bonding more with you, she seems like a cat deserving a human as thoughtful as you are
It baffles me that a “news” site with a storm trooper helmet is treated as a source in that tweet.
T the irony of storm troopers being empire drones representing “freedom” of any sort.
Reminds me of Wendy’s recruiting campaign “A career at Wendy’s serves me right”
I don’t by default dislike Americans, but I don’t think I can trust Americans by default anymore.
He got reelected after Jan 6, after project 2025 was released publicly, after “dictator on day one”, after everything.
There are a TON of Americans I deeply respect. But the speed at which you turned your backs on us, and the lack of internal outcry speaks volumes. Over 100 years of cooperation thrown down the drain in less than a single month.
That is the law. I’m sorry.
My current work is going through this
They dropped an open system we used but the team managing the new one is so bureaucratic and disconnected from the people actually doing work it’s ridiculous.
They reject every proposal/change unless it’s 100% perfect. I had a project delayed by four weeks because I didn’t end single line docstrings with periods. They didn’t review the substance of the pr, they just commented on the docstrings and stopped as if the rest had no merit. It was two weeks between review cycles, so it took three cycles to actually fix what could have been one.
That whole team is just clearly a make work program. They nitpick and bike shed on every issue. But they aggressively document all the make work they do so they look super busy and important to the execs.
I just want to get work done, but instead it’s a Sisyphean effort.
Fly you fools!
When my car was a kitten we had a clear plastic shower curtain, he would sit on the edge of the tub between the curtains staring at me.
Until one day he slipped and fell into the shower with me and never did that again
We had one cat and she was fine to free feed like that, occasional puke but that was mostly hairballs or if she ate something like plastic (she loves eating tape, you cannot leave tape out or she will eat it)
Then we a kitten and the older one started eating the kittens food. The kitten got bigger and started stealing her food… then they started wolfing down food so quickly they’d puke to try and steal from each other.
So we ended up with 2 machines across the house on the same schedule, and feed them three times a day. They will free feed if separated.
This just makes sense
My void stops and stands in front of the TV and blends in very well, not he doesn’t realize when it turns on his camouflage doesn’t work anymore.
He also hides behind my wife’s black boots and blends in very well there
She’s got such a nice coat, hopefully she warms up to you soon
Your cat is so beautiful! I’ve got a grey one who looks just like her
I don’t know a single person who isn’t for a harsh retaliation. I haven’t felt this united with my fellow Canadians ever.
In dwarf culture this is considered a dick move.
If you’re going to try and destroy a cursed or evil artifact it’s common curtesy to use your own weapon, thank you very much.
Data centers sure, but the cash at grocery stores, and office computers, etc. aren’t on UPS.