4 years ago was when January 6th happened…
I’m a filthy fucking socialist.
4 years ago was when January 6th happened…
4 years ago was when January 6th happened…
4 years ago…
ETA: guess I have to remind people that 4 years ago was when January 6th happened…
For a guy who said he’s not gonna start any wars, he sure is acting like a guy who’s gonna start a war.
“Look, I can have a conversation about almost anything, so if you need to leave, please interrupt me and let me know. I won’t take it that personal.”
All the hugs and kisses to the kitty!
Yeah! There are dozens of us!
Unmedicated, unemployed, and homeless. Like me.
No, I’m much uglier.
OP has plenty of semolina from the looks of it.
Raw dough knows fear. If you hesitate, it will fuck with you. You must be fluid and certain. Swift and precise.
Practice makes pizza.
Many moons ago, I heard this idea about Russia, and why they had so many attractive women.
It was posited that due to their substantial wartime losses from WW2, there were far more women than men in the populace, so any dude could snag a hottie. And then they had progeny that also grew up to be hotties, creating a higher density of hot people.
I don’t know if this is real, but I think it’s interesting to think about.
As an unemployed and homeless Californian with a small savings, I’ll throw in $25.
That’s pretty neat!
Burger King is trash by comparison.
Similar to this: https://youtu.be/g1eswGrkMU8
Correct. Fascist 47 is a terrible human.
He should no longer be permitted to breathe.
Not with their God King in the building.
Yes, that’s exactly what I was talking about.