One does not simply have a nice day when Winter is coming.
Sean Bean does not simply act in a movie where he doesn’t die horribly.
Jon Snowcone
You know nothing, Gandalf the Grey!
Or maybe everybody else will die and he’ll be the last human remaining.
Monkey’s paw…
Classic Twilight Zone remake coming in 3… 2… 1…
That would be awesome lmao
Drawing by ND Stevenson, author of Nimona
He did alright in Sharpe
“Still sharpe ;) “
he looks super annoyed though
A heavy cost. He pays it gladly.
Even as a video game character he doesn’t survive.
now that’s a project for 2025 I can get behind
Maybe one where he’s trying to film a fantasy movie he’s also starring in. The opening scene is his execution, all dramatic like in GoT, but when the guy swings the axe the head doesn’t fall off and everybody gets sprayed with blood because it’s a mannequin.
Smash cut to Sean Bean in normal clothes yelling “Cut! cut! Can we please turn the blood off?”
Sharpe always seemed to be having much more fun than anyone around him, but that was Napoleanic era.
There’s almost certainly already fluffy fanfic about that.
What was that weird movie where he leads a small troop of guys into a small town and gets suspicious of the people there and then they draw and quarter him? Because that was honestly even more brutal.
His role in The Frankenstein Chronicles always made me chuckle.
He gets murdered in a period fantasy setting, but they do him the honor of bringing him back to life.
And he died anyway
Black Death, anyone ?
Don’t they all die at the end?
He was sort of Boromir in Ronin too.