He’s our Prime Minister. Our President is the guy who chooses what gets sold under the store brand at Loblaw’s.
Founder and lead developer at Overclocked Abacus Games
He’s our Prime Minister. Our President is the guy who chooses what gets sold under the store brand at Loblaw’s.
Justin Trudeau was a schoolteacher before he was a politician.
It’s still dumb. He’s forcing the west to reconfigure itself into a new economic structure that leaves the USA out of the loop. That will weaken us in the short term, but strengthen us in the long term (especially once Trump is gone and the USA joins the new global economic structure, albeit in a weakened capacity.) However, since Putin’s been in a quagmire in Ukraine for the past three years he’s not in a position to exploit that short-term weakness.
This is a case of Trump’s idiocy overtaking his usefulness.
So Trump’s been looking for the Anti-Life Equation all along?
Exhibit B.
Exhibit A.
America is so stupid and selfish that their people constantly make excuses and shift blame rather than admitting the slightest amount of fault.
A coup? This is what Americans voted for.
And the other 50% thinks that the best avenue for social change is to attack people who don’t like the latest Disney movie.
Well, yeah, but that happened back in the '60s with Vietnam. What we’re seeing here isn’t America becoming the villain, it’s America becoming the kind of incompetent villain that even their minions turn on.
Still a better love story than…
Actually, no, it’s not.
The anthem itself is bilingual. Singing it in French is every bit as appropriate as singing it in English.
Yeah, the only people who aren’t united against Trump are Americans.
I shit on 'em both.
We’ve got a housing shortage, so if we open the door to American refugees we’re going to need a lot of construction workers.
What’s the difference between someone cosplaying as a far-right edgelord and an actual far-right edgelord?
Ford is also an authoritarian, though, and he’s putting up a fight. Or at least he says he’s going to put up a fight. I’m worried that he’s just making a show of things so that he can roll over after the election’s over and we can’t get rid of him.
You don’t even have to go to the website. Every Mastodon feed can be accessed via RSS. You just have to add “.rss” to the end of the URL.
Yeah, Reagan would probably be selling missiles to Russia to fund drug-smuggling death squads in Nicaragua.