Hier hast Hoch Auflösung von Kreativer Sicherheitsbestandladen:
GEFAHR - Dünnes Eis (Gefahr - dünnes Eis) Landschaftsschild - Wandschild 14x10 Zoll
Hier hast Hoch Auflösung von Kreativer Sicherheitsbestandladen:
GEFAHR - Dünnes Eis (Gefahr - dünnes Eis) Landschaftsschild - Wandschild 14x10 Zoll
Ja. US-Amerikaner: “Safety first! Let’s use a great deal of words in the single, de facto main language here to accurately describe the situation and make sure everyone is up to speed with workplace standards. Oh my, how well the DON’T WALK / WALK pedestrian traffic light works!”
Ja, die Seite ist US-amerikanisch. Die Version für Deutschland hat (höhere) Europreisen aber noch Zollmessungen.
I beg to disagree. It’s a law of nature to assign index 0 to the 1st th… Wait a moment
How is your favourite language one that indexes arrays from 1??? You monster!
Zeitgenossischste Entscheidung tschechischer Bürokratie:
Haha, nur wenn er reich wäre. Die arme müssen im 6x150000-Meter-Streifen Böhmerwald zwischen Stacheldraht- und Hochspannungszaun bleiben und Beeren und stromgetötete Tierenkörper sammeln.
Pakistan announces renaming “Indian Ocean” to “Asian Ocean”
Some people have torrents across various directories or even renamed files in them (yes, it’s possible and useful for crossseeding between trackers with different naming schemes). Of course, this makes migration way more difficult.
Idk how hard it is to make a browser addon but a website userscript won’t be enough, those don’t have access to the filesystem obviously.
What? You can specify a torrent download location over the web UI. Do you want an interactive picker?
VLC will happily play a file with a wrong or no extension but the OS needs to know it should open it with VLC. I think DVD-Video predates the MP4 container.
Your client must have downloaded entire chunks, including parts of adjacent files to those you wanted. I think most clients will discard them but it’s possible they are stored somewhere hidden to enable seeding them again. Pretty much every client will tell you something like “66 chunks (have 11)” and/or progress on a per-file basis, from which you can deduce which of these behaviors is used. Badly written ones will make a file as big as the previous episode to the one you want and fill it with zeros so that the few MiB are physically in the right spot. Obviously, that fills your drive with junk unless compression is enabled at filesystem level.
It’s always better to seed something even if it’s not an entire file. Peers are usually upload-bandwidth-limited so being another person providing just a few chunks helps download speeds. Unless you meddle with their progress files, torrent clients will not announce (offer for download) chunks they cannot reassemble. Only people who have 100% of the data are listed as “seeders” in the swarm.
Stockfish’s output:
A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.
I’m willing to take the risk. It’s like saying “your web browser supports WebGL”. Unless you’re on Opera Mini or something text-based or ancient, we can assume it’s true.
How does changing an extension break verification? It’s just a rename again. I have successfully changed an extension using qBittorrent before and the check passed again. Via its web interface, even!
And no client hashes filenames because they just aren’t what is hashed. I think even TUI ones have internal support for different filenames even if they don’t have a rename function because you can reach limits of your filesystem (path length, character support etc.)
Nope, file names can be different. It’s only the contents that are hashed. If there is a difference, the entirety of every affected chunk is unseedable and the chunk needs to be redownloaded (if allowed by the use). Then there’s the infohash that includes filenames but that’s not important.
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