People aren’t seeing this for the real precursor it is. People are getting emboldened now. There will be more events like this.
I’m honestly worried about tonight. Saturday night, plenty of places where people gather, and a lot of extremists are just waiting for a moment for escalation that they can exploit.
Attempting to take the life of the party leader during an election is going to push some people over the edge.
I honestly give it a 50% chance that there’s some sort of mass casualty event in the next 12 hours related to this. I fucking hope I’m wrong, or that the odds are somehow in our favor, but I’ve run out of optimism.
I don’t. They might commit more hate crimes, but mass shooters usually do it because they’re demoralized and feel powerless. Trump supporters are the opposite rn. The shooter rolled a natural 1 for agility and Trump rolled a critical success for luck. It couldn’t have gone better for him.
The DC for the shot was much higher than you think. He rolled a combined 24 when the DC was 25.
If he rolled a 1 he would have been shot dead before getting a shot off at all. Instead, he grazed the target’s ear from over 100 feet away. That took skill.
It was around 400 feet, but that’s still absolutely nothing for an AR. My 65 year old mother was hitting a six-inch target at 300 ft her first time ever shooting.
For comparison, Army recruits have to hit a human sized target at about 500 ft to qualify. And basically everyone qualifies.
i think he might’ve been a tad bit nervous though. that seems quite reasonable.
Reports are saying it’s the teleprompter glass that cut him, which makes wayyyy more sense than him getting grazed.
That was initially reported by TMZ. There’s a picture that shows the bullet approaching
There is a pic of a presumed bullet flying past his head, is that the one you mean?
Can you link to that picture?
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I’m far less concerned about emboldened supporters than I am about the likely backlash by the state. Events like this are always taken as justification for more harsh oppression of the people. Also, Biden now has to make statements sympathetic to Trump. This couldn’t have gone worse - we get the blowback from an attempt, and he’s able to ride this to more popularity.
Assassination isn’t the way, folks. I know you’re hurting, I know you’re disempowered by the electoral system, but Trump and Biden aren’t the core of the problem. You can’t cut the head off because it’s not a snake, it’s a hydra. The way to beat this system is to build alternatives and wean people off of their dependence on it, and deprive it of victims. You have to starve the beast.
Taking out the fascist figureheads does nothing about the ideology and forces behind the fascism. Make being a Nazi something to be ashamed of again.
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The way to beat this system is to build alternatives and wean people off of their dependence on it, and deprive it of victims.
And how do you propose we do this considering the only way the system can have alternatives is if the system allows for alternatives which (spoiler) >!it won’t!<.
Direct action; ie: don’t wait for the permission you will never get. Just start building locally, do mutual aid, make one another’s lives better now.
In longer form: How do we build an anarchist revolution? | Constructing the Revolution
There are links there to the text and a version with no music if you’d prefer those.
I appreciate the genuine response. It’s good for my cynical ass.
No worries, a lot of people are stuck in hierarchical realism. We’re programmed for it from the moment we begin school or earlier if we had authoritarian parents. It’s nobody’s fault if they haven’t yet imagined a future without hierarchy.
Edit: It’s also nice to get a genuine reply back, so thanks.
Biden doesn’t have to do shit. He can just ignore it all together.
He’s already made those statements and his campaign has ceased all outgoing communications. He doesn’t have to, but he’s a liberal, so he’s not going to let an opportunity to lose pass him by.
I honestly give it a 50% chance that there’s some sort of mass casualty event in the next 12 hours related to this.
Given that there is more mass shootings in USA than days in a year, I think this ship has already sailed…
There’s a difference between a mass casualty event and the technical definition of a mass shooting. One is easily met by gangs doing a drive by. The other requires multiple emergency rooms, triaging people, and calling up neighboring counties for more resources.
I’ll leave you to figure out which one is a loaded political term and which one is the thing that gets 48 hours of close coverage on the news.
Seems like only in America “political terms” are loaded with actual bullets and regularly shoot bystanders in schools, nightclubs, malls and other public spaces.
It will be more than 12 hours before it happens. But that’s small consolation. Once political violence is in the mix it can very quickly spiral out of control
I think years of pushing for laws to make it legal to run over protesters in their pavement princesses is going to lead to a lot more road rage incidents. Idiots are already emboldened by putting on that red cap, now they have a vehicle too.
I hope this is quickly exposed as a poorly planned inside job, but even then it won’t matter to the Base. Y’all Qaeda has moved into full on terrorist demagogue territory.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with you. Also the SS did not do their job. Before the attempt on Trump, people in the crowd were pointing out that guy in camouflage on the roof of that building, yet the secret service/law enforcement did not respond. And the counter sniper waited until the perp took numerous shots to respond.
I forgot that SS also stood for Secret Service…
Maybe the terms will merge when fascism takes the presidency in the US
The acronym is USSS.
Some of his detail might wish they were SS but we’re not there… Yet.
Yeah, weird how a registered Republican sniper was given all the time in the world to get into a sniper nest with eyewitnesses but was then shot to death immediately after firing.
Was just talking to my Dad about this, he was saying from what he heard (he watches more news than I do) the local law enforcement basically said, “Well, he was outside the perimeter, so there wasn’t really anything we could do,” as their explanation for how it happened.
It’s going to be interesting to see this whole investigation play out and what comes up for motives and such.
I love how liberal news outlets are baffled why a registered republican would shoot Trump. Don’t care what the more conservative outlets think, I’ll hear about it later
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I wonder how the narrative will change if it turns out it was a victim/relative of his (rape or fraud/failure to pay)
I think you’re right. I think this is going to cause an increase on events like this for sure. Trumps base is going to want to send a message.
Even assassins are enshittified these days smh my head. Back in the day, JFK got shot in a moving car.
That was the CIA, this was a grassroots effort
By a registered Republican, smh. Real leftists don’t skip range day.
I thought JFK was grassy effort…
I can’t come up with any retort to that
So you have KNOLL response?
Idk man, I have it on good authority that JFK’s head just did that all on its own.
Back, and to the left.
Back, and to the left.
Yeah, but they had multiple people, magic bullets, and CIA backing.
Actually I’m pretty sure this is what happened.
Two bullets hit JFK. Definitely different bullets. First one went through his neck and into the guy in front of him.
Second bullet demolished his skull.
What I think happened, or the theory I heard that makes sense. Was a 50 cal mounted to the car in front of him. In the chaos it lurched and the person had poor finger discipline and blasted JFK almost point blank
Yeah this is the most believable conspiracy theory if it wasnt simply one bullet
But JFK was struck twice?
Today is my birthday. Waking up to “Trump dead” headlines would be absolutely killer. What I got was “Trump gets ear pierced on stage”.
Happy birthday!
He missed his chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime
You better lose yourself in the music
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Says the guy who blew his first chance on Mom’s spaghetti
Em got it done in round 2 though! Who knows what can happen!
I expected nothing and I’m still disappointed
This happened today and this image already looks like it’s been reposted for over a decade
The tags are probably sports related. It likely HAS been reposted for decades.
I’m glad he survived. His life should be full in quantity and empty of quality.
78 seems like a pretty full quantity if you ask me.
but also because him dying doesn’t solve the problem. people forget that he’s actually unpopular. him getting replaced would benefit the party. and the real problem is the entire fascist party. their agenda won’t change with TFG dying.
Long term it would help the party. In the short term it would hurt them. I expect a LOT of infighting is gonna happen once Trump is gone.
Huh? Yeah, he’s unpopular but voter turnout is such arse, that there is rarely a blowout capable of preventing electors from playing silly buggers with counts.
If he’s dead, who inherits his mantle and has a likely shot at getting enough popular votes that US fascists can pretend they won but were narrowly cheated?
the problem is how unpopular Biden is right now
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No No you’re getting it wrong, Trump is the thing that gives that whole fascist movement its structure. Taking him out of the game is akin to turning the light on in a room full of cockroaches
that’s wishful thinking tbh
Have to disagree. The “if I had a Time Machine I’d go back and kill Hitler” trope is there for a reason. Once the charismatic leader is gone, the movement will crumble in short time.
but Hitler is gone, and fascism is surging around the world, and has been steadily gaining since WW2.
also Hitler and TFG are not in the same situation. one brought about Nazism, the other didn’t. the republican party was fascist before him, and will be after him.
he didn’t make them fascists, he just emboldened them to be more brazen and direct about it because he proved there are no safeguards or real consequences to literally be against democracy in the US. him dying won’t change that. once the door is unlocked, destroying the key won’t lock it back.
There was a 80 year break after AH was gone… And fascism is surging because Putin was and still is able to use the internet to do what Goebbels did for the Nazis. He’s the actual leader of the new fascist movement, Trump just hopped on his bandwagon. The people who feel emboldened by fascist leaders are always there, but they only become a problem when they can group behind “their guy”. So if that guy is gone, they go back to being passive fascists. Of course it would be better to have none such people around, but thinking pragmatically, that’s not an option, we first need to get back to the baseline by taking down the leader.
i don’t know how old you are, but I’m guessing you’re young because there was no 80 year break.
there wasn’t any break.
as i said, Hitler lost the war but fascism didn’t. the US became more and more of a fascist country. police state, corporate power, mass incarceration, mass surveillance, invasions and endless wars…
there has been some progress too, but it has always been outpaced by fascism. and corporate power always grew. fascism isn’t just when a bitch baby loser screams into a mic.
Yeah, Trump is a stupid target and this is bad timing. Now if someone had gone after the Supreme Court a year or three ago, that would’ve been a good thing. Even now it might still be. But Trump? Terrible choice of targets. He’s…his relevance has already happened. It’s too late for his death to be positive in any significant way.
Hell, I suspect that it might boost the Republican candidate, whoever is selected to replace him, unless they wind up having a really nasty fight where various supporters get extremely entrenched against each other. But that’s not likely - Republicans are very tribalist, once they select a candidate, most of them are going to support him, regardless of how badly they were speaking of him five minutes ago when they were in full support of his opponent.
Jesus fucking Christ, you people insist everything would be better for the bad guys.
Yeah, but imagine if they retaliate and assassinate Biden? Wouldn’t that be… interesting.
I’m considering what the impact would be on the election if it were Harris running, for example
Biden has a clear successor. Trump doesn’t. The assassination of a head of state would draw sympathy worldwide. The state funeral would be huge. Right now, Trump is still just some politician running for office.
I fucking hate this meta but we literally are at the point where Joe Biden should seriously consider faking his own death.
This should be an option for all politicians. You can fake your own death, then you get put in to Witness Protection and can retire to a quiet, peaceful life on a ranch in Wyoming. Quit without having to deal with slack from party leaders.
A great system for escaping war crimes.
did you miss the part where they have to live in Wyoming
I drove through Wyoming once and it was all grass and prairie dust on the side of the road except for a sign that said “Little America 100 miles” and further advertising every 20 miles until one that said “next exit”.
So what is the “Little America” they hyped up? It’s a rest stop with a gift shop and a Sinclair fuel station 🥴
Not needed. They already escape war crimes.
The first choice for me would obviously be to send them to the Hague, but we gotta realise that we can’t always get what we want 100% of the time, so I think quiet retirement is better than staying in power.
Kind of hard considering you can’t interact with literally anyone without them going “hey, aren’t you joe biden?”
“No, man. I’m Edward Schmitt, but I get told that a lot, so I took up doing Biden impersonations. Wanna see some? Sad what happened to the real Biden though.”
i am not convinced yet that trump didn’t just fake his own assassination attempt. given the footage going around, it looks extremely fakeable.
An actual shot to the ear would be way too risky for a false flag. But if it turns out to be true that the ear injury was from teleprompter shrapnel instead of a bullet, that might be a different story.
Nobody cares about Biden. Especially now. It is, technically, a Republican advantage if Biden stays in the race as the official Democrat candidate.
He’s always enjoyed that. He’s clearly not a person of quality. Fuck the orange demon
Yeah he should just rot and die alone in prison where he belongs.
Can someone fill in whats happened?
Assassination attempt on Trump
That’s not what we need right now, damn.
Also Darwin Núñez played a match about the same time frame, so funnily enough those two comments must have overlapped
He didn’t, Uruguay is out of the Copa.
That’s awkward, because I saw them playing Canada for third place precisely as the other event unfolded.
There was no 3rd place match
Then what was this?
Fake news
Someone tried to kill Donald Trump.
I love that none of us are pretending Trump’s a good person just because someone tried to kill him.
Trump is an Asshole and this won’t change under any circumstance. And this pice of shit Musk who’s now saying “Oh No now let’s vote all for Trump because he got shot” just makes new excuses to openly support Trump but don’t get hated as much for it
Mf forgot they were playing on death sentence difficulty
they fired, and they missed. they fired again, missed again.
this has been stuck in my head since hearing about it
Went to a bar, took a shot. I myssed.
But did they have themselves a popsicle?
he woke up later with a popsicle stick in his mouth
If I understood the news correctly, the shooter was actually listed as “Republican”. Do you actually expect such a person to get something that important right?
Gotta say, a lot of people here talking a lot of shit about someone who actually had the balls to at least try to do something direct considering none of y’all have taken a shot at it yourselves in Minecraft.
You can’t complain about someone failing to do your personal final fantasy when they at least tried to achieve what you haven’t.
I’m certain some of you legitimately can’t for personal reasons, but if you can and you’re not doing it either, you can’t complain that they missed skibbity.
After all, as Dr. Doofinshmirtz once said, “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”.
If you’re interested in doing more, learn more here:
This reads like written by 3 different people
I shared my opinion on this matter.
Reddit banned me.
What was your opinion?
Lemmy banned them too
I’m not taking my chances, at least.