He shouldn’t go down the stairs with his balls while angry. Increased torsion risk
He shouldn’t go down the stairs with his balls while angry. Increased torsion risk
Writing is such an elegant craft.
Yeah, everything Ye does on his outbursts feels like a toddler. You try to tell them something or correct they behavior and they scream “No!” and do it more and worse.
People were telling him “you’re saying some anti-semitic shit, man. Roll that back.” Instead he doubles-down amd says “fuck you, I’m not taking anything back. I’m a Nazi then.” He’s already driven away anyone and everyone who would stand in his way for his best interests when he’s losing his mind, so he was able to get a swastika shirt up in no time.
I will say though, (I don’t follow celebrities lives but I’m pretty sure they divorced because he wouldn’t stay on meds. I think he’s been prescribed them for decades and he just doesn’t like how he feels on them.
For real. It’s a real shame what’s happened to this guy and what he’s done to himself.
Are you an anarchist, like you don’t believe any state can be “great”?
Or do you believe, somehow, that the US’s historical actions are unique?
"Absolutely top-notch guy. Literally omnipresent.
Like me and all my friends were having individualized, concurrent, and meaningful bottle episodes with the guy.
Just the consummate gentleman."
That’s a good point. Not to be rude but most people are not good writers. Well-meaning attempts to rationalize for oneself can easily deform into reading like “smug” attempts to incorporate hindsight into somehow prophetic vibes. I try to give people a bit of grace because the consciousness to (attempt to) perceive how your text might be read by others is not a trait oft emphasized.
You’ve gone too deep, bruv, you gotta come up for air.
I read it as:
Man: “That baby’s a goddamn pervert.”
Baby: “I’m a goddamn pervert.”
I blame Todd on that. I blame Todd for a lot of stuff.
Stubbed me toe. Todd did it. No content to watch. Gotta blame Todd. Friends unavailable to play games?
Better believe it’s Todd’s fault.
It’s been decades between them. I choose to believe none of the devs and designers (and the synergy they had) that made the games I love still work there.
Mormons also unlocked the “soaking” tech. I know some bros, so I’m golden.
I’m assuming they got along alright if they set up not one, not two, but three test cases in bed.
Yeah, man grows a monobrow with his five o’clock shadow.
This is just modern day Assassin’s Creed gear. How long until some lunatic tries to make it big with a hidden blade?
They normally have that Cyberpunk Trauma package but thw capper must have blocked the implant.
Presuming you’re talking about servants, do you really think the average American can afford 3 maids? Sincerely?
Huh? Why was this redrawn? Was it for the hair?
As someone who played football (american), that is incorrect. Most people on the team learn how to throw it properly, with the spiral. You like the game, so you toss around the ol’ pigskin.
The quarterback is chosen for a variety of reasons.
I think we all largely get what you’re speaking to but I feel compelled to highlight that you can’t breed average people out. “Rulers” and “servants” are social classes, and not “in the gene pool.”
The message got a little muddled there.