I think that’s why therapy over gaming is helping.
I think that’s why therapy over gaming is helping.
Lol I was not thinking straight, it is a 120v, I’m not sure what I was thinking of.
I changed off a 12v 20amp outlet for over a year at my house till the charger was installed. It would take 12 hours to charge from empty to full but never had that happen except going on trips, then I would use the DC charging stations.
Ahh ok that makes sense, I had mix of rural and suburban with about 2500 students but we are also close to an air force base.
How big is the highschool? I know my old one would be Republican as I was a paria for saying we shouldn’t ban burning the American flag in protest.
I mean I’m not getting fucked by Harris but I would be killed by trump. Once Harris is in im still going to be pushing the US to tell Israel to fuck off.
Haha after I explained myself to my dad he said all guys want to be a woman…that’s what I thought too dad.
I have never heard of a government forcing a company to implement logging. Which one did?
There is no debating with people that believe in mythology as real life. Who says there is a lake of fire I’ll go to because I’m queer, who vote for someone their religion says is the anti-christ. Blocking is just avoiding stepping in shit.
The document also proposes linking federal assistance to family-oriented marriage plans calling out the Biden administration for “subsidizing single-motherhood, disincentivizing work, and penalizing marriage.”
Under its family first agenda, federal aid should be used for “policies with those encouraging marriage, work, motherhood, fatherhood, and nuclear families.” https://www.newsnationnow.com/politics/2024-election/how-project-2025-could-affect-women/
Only Republicans talked about virtual signalling and empty signalling because they can’t fathom someone actually caring about others.
Why else would Republicans ban books, keep their children in the dark about other religions and people. So they can keep them on the hate train.
They are not being replaced at the same rate though. Knowledge brings understanding, understanding bring empathy, empathy brings change.
They will die out, just need to outlast them for progress to be made.
Ahh, last time I used a non activated install I thought there were admin and personalization resections, but I guess those can be worked around by now.
That doesn’t withhold any features though. That’s just for supporting Ubuntu teams work with extra security patches. You can also get it for free for 5 machines.
Well for all 3, it works with Plex, jelly, and emby. Also overseer admin has not had time to maintain their repo so jellyseerr is better even if you keep using Plex.
If they had reals still, sure. But I don’t think cracking the hardware is going to work.
Here’s to hoping.