Fucking cirrhosis of the river has me rolling lmao
I was always a fan of “The Sea-Ward” from Arrested Development
Unsinkable 2 made me cry from laughter
Am I the only one reading these in Bob Belcher’s voice?
You named your boat Sea Me Now?
Unsinkable II got me.
So what are y’all naming your boats if you had one?
Mine would be “Gonna Need a Bigger Boat.”
No bass to mouth?
There’s a boat in my mom’s neighborhood with the name Current Situation, I appreciate it.
I always liked that time in the Flintstones where Fred and Barney jointly bought and named a boat.
(Sorry for the shitty camera-pointed-at-screen video; it’s the only one I could find.)
Are dads naming the pho restaurants and hair salons, too?
There’s a place near where I used to live called Phó Que Huong and I don’t know what Huong did to deserve this.
Pho sho.
I’d never named a boat before. But there was only one I could think of, the most beautiful name in the wide world.
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Has there ever been a warship called Worship? Seems inevitable.
It’s the christofascists get elected this year the odds go way up in the US.