When someone carelessly throws their trash on the ground, that says a huge amount about their respect for other people, their feelings about the environment, and even their views on social equality.
It’s a tiny thing, but an immediate dealbreaker.
People who throw their trash on the ground are the same people who yell and get mad at minimum-wage staff, while those staff hold back tears. They are the people who take more food at a buffet restaurant than they could ever even eat. They are the people who think the world and everyone in it owes them whatever they want, but without ever giving anything back.
I bet we all know a person whose car looks like a scary biohazard of old drive-through cups they haven’t cleaned yet, but I’d much rather date that person than someone who throws it all out the window.
I think whether or not they litter and whether or not they return the shopping cart are two good ways to judge someone’s character.
Incapacity to discuss random topics just for the fun of it. Taking herself too seriously.
I married an Irish/Scottish girl. I should have seen the gorgeous red hair and green eyes and run for the hills, but no.
She’ll debate anything, any time, anywhere. Trump during a commercial? Sure. Abortion over a muffin? Totally. Raisins (scourge or sweet snack?) in an airline security line? All day.
Find yourself a good scot and you’ll converse until you die. Violently.
Talking abortion over muffin is unironically the most hilarious idea I’ve read today.
I don’t see the problem. Sounds like an awesome person
Red hair green eyes and conversable ? You might have unlocked something in me.
If they smoke
My buddy said this for years … until he found an exception. Oh, was she gorgeous and kind and just a joy to be around when she wasn’t smoking. The universe has a sense of humour, and it’s mean.
Your buddy: I can… fix…her…
Narrator: he started smoking 2 days later.
I wouldn’t consider that trivial though
I just don’t like ashy kisses…
I feel you big time!
The taste, the smell, the hassle,
It’s a huge deal!
Pointy shoes with high heels.
They destroy your feet, make walking long distances impossible and show me she values unhealthy beauty standards over her own body.
Also, shaved and re-drawn eyebrows, for similar reasons.
Guys, I don’t necessarily agree with what OP said (I didn’t downvote him, though), but why are you downvoting him for freaking answering the question?!! The question says “a trivial thing,” (not “a reasonable thing”) and OP answered with a trivial thing. Vote accordingly.
This is like downvoting unpopular opinions in a thread about unpopular opinions.
Okay, but also, who cares about internet votes? I never vote and I never look at my votes. I don’t understand why people care about this or why it’s even a feature. It doesn’t work, people are clearly stupid about it, why does it exist.
That’s a totally different topic.
I usually gauge internet votes with relevant content. I don’t take them too seriously, though. For more technical questions, it can help.
But of course there’s the occasional hivemind that is irritating - like if someone is asking for help when grieving a lost one, the most upvoted comment is some dark joke meme.
They’re probably being downvoted for making a huge leap just from wearing pointy highheels lol. They turned a trivial reason into a non-trivial characterization/flaw about a person.
I don’t know, man. If you dismiss someone for anything trivial, chances are you are judging their whole character to the point of not even dating them.
Here’s a highly upvoted comment:
No passions or hobbies.
No, traveling isn’t a hobby.
It’s really not too different from the high heels one.
Anyway. It is what it is.
The shoes I get but what’s unhealthy about shaving and redrawing eyebrows? Just curious, if you just don’t like that then that’s valid ofc.
Eyebrows keep the sweat out of your eyes during sports. I want to live an active outdoor life with my partner, if she shaved her brows off chances are she isn’t into that.
Fake nails. I have nothing against people who wear them, but for some reason it just instantly makes me think we are not compatible at all.
She said “lol”
Like actually said “lol”. As if it was a word.
Didn’t laugh. Like, she replaced her laughing with this, saying “lol” when she found something funny.
I say lol occasionally, only for things that are dumb funny. Equivalent of a snort I guess?
“Hey did you hear Steve bought a jet ski? Where does he think he’s going to use it? The local pool?”
“Really? Lol. What a dumbarse”
Like that. If shit is actually funny I laugh like a human.
Imagine that… But it going so far that you actually lose the ability to laugh and instead use “lol”
Yeah. It was that.
I’m fairly certain she didn’t lose the ability to laugh. I don’t think that’s entirely possible. Either you weren’t as funny as you think or she was awkward and nervous and that suppressed her real laughter. Or, hang on, there’s a third option which is she’s rotted her brain by being terminally online to the point where real experiences lose their meaning. Actually now that I think about it, that’s probably what you’re getting at here.
Fuck, wait a minute, am I losing my touch with reality and human connections?
Lol, or el-o-el?
Being unnecessarily wasteful with food. Not even attempting to save it or tossing all away over some easily resolvable issue like “I’m not hungry right now” Throws in trash.
I have an ex with the same name as one of my sisters. You do that once, and it gets confusing and awkward. Twice? People start coming to really odd conclusions.
My brother’s last three serious relationships all have hadthe same name. It’s not his fault that name was popular 3 years after he was born. The girls are nothing alike.
That said it’s a struggle not to call the current one New “Sarah”
Tammy One
Tammy Two
Kinda sucks, because I occasionally come across really women I would otherwise pursue for a relationship. But then they have the same name as my sister or my mom - NOPE.
Treats servers badly. Both in restaurants and in IT infrastructure.
That’s not trivial at all!
Horniness mismatch. You’ll never synch up exactly, but if you aren’t at least in the same ballpark, everyone just comes away frustrated.
that’s not trivial that’s really important
That’s what polamory is for! I would hate to miss out on an emotionally meaningful relationship just because pp goes hard to often or pp not go hard often enough.
Never tried myself, but I’ve two sets of pals that are in poly relationships. The best advice they gave my curious mind on the topic is “If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a hell no.” I’m still curious about trying some time, but it’s certainly not a “hell yes” for me.
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Bro said he is close with his ex-partners 💀
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I just can’t do it. They’re trashy and they smell terrible. Almost universally friends/partners I’ve had the smoke cigarettes ash wherever they want- like my patio or door step. I had an ex that would chain smoke, ash in front of the door, then put the cigarette out and leave it on the steps.
So now everyone that walks by sees our entryway covered in ash, cigarette butts, and burn marks. Just looks and smells like shit.
That same partner kept an ash tray in the patio. It filled up with water when it rained, and she just… left it. So now the patio smells like soppy wet shit too.
Ever since then cigs are a deal breaker for me. If you don’t respect your body how can you ever respect your environment or relationship?
Uses spaces instead of tabs.
As someone who has primarily used spaces, I still use the tab key. I sincerely hope most space users understand that your editor can expand your tab key into spaces, and people aren’t genuinely going around spamming their spacebar 2->16 times for various indentation levels.
i’d probably use tabs if they weren’t so massive by default.
do people actually use 8 space wide tabs? if so, what for?
Spaces are kinda better, because tabs are not consistent across editors/platforms. Just please use the tab key to indent, don’t press the spacebar x times like a monkey
I prefer tabs because they aren’t consistent
I personally find 2-space indented code harder to read than 4-space. If I’m working on someone else’s codebase which is indented with 2-spaces then I have to cope. But if it’s tab-indented then I can just edit the setting in my editor to display a tab char as 4 whitespace chars
The problem is that when you then want to align stuff, you have to use spaces. So you need to use tabs for indentation and use spaces for alignment. This is actually the perfect, objectively best way to do it, but because it requires a deliberate mix of tabs and spaces, it’s too complicated to use for a large project with lots of maintainers. You just need a single maintainer doing it wrong to ruin it.
There is also the issue that you’ll often see the code in a place where you can’t control the tab length, i.e. printed in your terminal by some program that doesn’t have an option for that, or viewed on the web, like GitHub.
Celebrity/billionaire worship. Just no. It means their values are wildly erratic.
Incompatible taste in music. My taste is the benchmark they have to meet and I will not compromise, obviously.
this is why i like to date people who don’t care about music.