Guys, I don’t necessarily agree with what OP said (I didn’t downvote him, though), but why are you downvoting him for freaking answering the question?!! The question says “a trivial thing,” (not “a reasonable thing”) and OP answered with a trivial thing. Vote accordingly.
This is like downvoting unpopular opinions in a thread about unpopular opinions.
Okay, but also, who cares about internet votes? I never vote and I never look at my votes. I don’t understand why people care about this or why it’s even a feature. It doesn’t work, people are clearly stupid about it, why does it exist.
I usually gauge internet votes with relevant content. I don’t take them too seriously, though. For more technical questions, it can help.
But of course there’s the occasional hivemind that is irritating - like if someone is asking for help when grieving a lost one, the most upvoted comment is some dark joke meme.
They’re probably being downvoted for making a huge leap just from wearing pointy highheels lol. They turned a trivial reason into a non-trivial characterization/flaw about a person.
I don’t know, man. If you dismiss someone for anything trivial, chances are you are judging their whole character to the point of not even dating them.
Here’s a highly upvoted comment:
No passions or hobbies.
No, traveling isn’t a hobby.
It’s really not too different from the high heels one.
Eyebrows keep the sweat out of your eyes during sports. I want to live an active outdoor life with my partner, if she shaved her brows off chances are she isn’t into that.
Pointy shoes with high heels.
They destroy your feet, make walking long distances impossible and show me she values unhealthy beauty standards over her own body.
Also, shaved and re-drawn eyebrows, for similar reasons.
Guys, I don’t necessarily agree with what OP said (I didn’t downvote him, though), but why are you downvoting him for freaking answering the question?!! The question says “a trivial thing,” (not “a reasonable thing”) and OP answered with a trivial thing. Vote accordingly.
This is like downvoting unpopular opinions in a thread about unpopular opinions.
Okay, but also, who cares about internet votes? I never vote and I never look at my votes. I don’t understand why people care about this or why it’s even a feature. It doesn’t work, people are clearly stupid about it, why does it exist.
That’s a totally different topic.
I usually gauge internet votes with relevant content. I don’t take them too seriously, though. For more technical questions, it can help.
But of course there’s the occasional hivemind that is irritating - like if someone is asking for help when grieving a lost one, the most upvoted comment is some dark joke meme.
They’re probably being downvoted for making a huge leap just from wearing pointy highheels lol. They turned a trivial reason into a non-trivial characterization/flaw about a person.
I don’t know, man. If you dismiss someone for anything trivial, chances are you are judging their whole character to the point of not even dating them.
Here’s a highly upvoted comment:
It’s really not too different from the high heels one.
Anyway. It is what it is.
The shoes I get but what’s unhealthy about shaving and redrawing eyebrows? Just curious, if you just don’t like that then that’s valid ofc.
Eyebrows keep the sweat out of your eyes during sports. I want to live an active outdoor life with my partner, if she shaved her brows off chances are she isn’t into that.