Wow! Hosting terrorists on your stream is so perfect! So is blasting propaganda music with flags saying “death to the jews” on them!
I love how people (rightfully) called out Pewdiepie for jokingly paying guys to put “death to jews” on a sign, but when hasan does it unironically its okay
Fuck Christian values or any other “values” of any religion. Our society will not progress until we rid ourselves of our primitive religions.
And Trump will do genocide at home and in ukraine as well. How wonderful, instead of only one you get 3.
Good job putting words in my mouth, .ml
I said Trump would make the genocide worse. Which he will.
Waiiiiit, are you saying that not voting Kamala didn’t magically stop the genocide in Gaza???
That it only accelerates it, like I and other people have been saying for months???
Terrorists do what terrorists do.
Are you serious? He killed a kid, for no reason, in cold blood. He should never walk free ever again.
It is sad he had to leave his home because of the orcs.
So I just went down an insano rabbit hole, laughing all the way through. Thanks for that
Did you slide or was it an uber
I love stefan. Everyone loves stefan. The world loves stefan
What a terrible day to be literate
Hell yes. Fuck you Russia, fuck you putin, fuck you orcs. We get another W
Yea and when you legally stream the mouse can legally kill you
Putin caused a population catastrophe and now is trying hard to fix it lmao
Ah yes, the moral military, the anti nazi military, the apparent good guys, according to tankies, use a weapon called the fucking SATAN
What the actual fuck? No jail for this motherfucker, just throw him into a vulcano
Yep sure I’m the one thats insane
Definitely not hosting a terrorist on stream
You can downvote and shit on me all you want, wont change the fact the flags in the propaganda vid say “death to america, death to jews” and the fact that hasan is a piece of shit.