I’m fairly certain she didn’t lose the ability to laugh. I don’t think that’s entirely possible. Either you weren’t as funny as you think or she was awkward and nervous and that suppressed her real laughter. Or, hang on, there’s a third option which is she’s rotted her brain by being terminally online to the point where real experiences lose their meaning. Actually now that I think about it, that’s probably what you’re getting at here.
Fuck, wait a minute, am I losing my touch with reality and human connections?
She said “lol”
Like actually said “lol”. As if it was a word.
Didn’t laugh. Like, she replaced her laughing with this, saying “lol” when she found something funny.
I say lol occasionally, only for things that are dumb funny. Equivalent of a snort I guess?
“Hey did you hear Steve bought a jet ski? Where does he think he’s going to use it? The local pool?”
“Really? Lol. What a dumbarse”
Like that. If shit is actually funny I laugh like a human.
Imagine that… But it going so far that you actually lose the ability to laugh and instead use “lol”
Yeah. It was that.
I’m fairly certain she didn’t lose the ability to laugh. I don’t think that’s entirely possible. Either you weren’t as funny as you think or she was awkward and nervous and that suppressed her real laughter. Or, hang on, there’s a third option which is she’s rotted her brain by being terminally online to the point where real experiences lose their meaning. Actually now that I think about it, that’s probably what you’re getting at here.
Fuck, wait a minute, am I losing my touch with reality and human connections?
Lol, or el-o-el?