by Ironlily
Gonna do some trolling to the tiddy haters
( . Y . )
Please mark this NSFW. The entire train is masturbating now.
i didnt know trains could masturbate… and if you had to specify that the entire train is masturbating, does each section masturbate separately?
I’m not an expert in this field, but I think they’re referred to as locomorphs (like aeromorphs). Hopefully, this will help you with your scientific research uwu
That’s a nice set of hooters
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Nudity can also be art
I’m still allowed to be horny for art though right?
i mean, most arts are about evoking feelings, i don’t see how it’d be wrong for art to try to evoke sexual pleasure
It is art.
i mean, i don’t know how it is in other countries, but here we literally study art with nude people in it - Liberty Leading the People is part of the 8th grade national curriculum - and looking this up, i even found a teacher’s blog about class activities they did on it with 3-5th graders. i also recall having studied paintings depicting people having sex in 8th grade latin class
it’s also not uncommon to have statues of naked people in the middle of town centres - and nobody is making a fuss about it “not being art”it is art, it used to be recognised as art for a long time, but now it seems like more and more people have a double standard, where old art depicting nudity is valid, but modern art depicting nudity isn’t
Damn whats wrong with anime tiddy art? Are the normies ok?
Look up Ironlily. Most of her works are slice-of-life wholesome drawings set in a fantasy medieval European-like military camp but everyone is a cute girl (including a landsknecht with a sus codpiece). Toplessness happens casually in non-sexualized ways such as at bathtime but it’s not common. The girls show varying degrees of fondness and romantic pursuit among each other, and it never gets explicit. It’s arguably ecchi but as mild as it gets.
sus codpiece
I think you mean luxurious codpiece.
Oh, this is who CenturiiChan keeps art-flirting with.
Are the normies ok?
It’s 2024, none of us are ok
True, but the normies cope by deflecting.
Once posted a stardew meme where I replaced a MILF portrait with an anime version. Got called a pedo
If people are interested, I can link the original reddit post
Yeah, sometimes people use loli stuff which is definitely a red flag for pedo behavior IMHO, but posting with a MILF is quite literally the opposite xd.
I am interested. Sounds like classic reddit.
Well, here we go:
Should I repost or nah? Got a bit of backlash last time
Do it and link back to this thread for context.
Well, reposted. Here’s to history not repeating itself!
Well, instead of them calling me a pedo, they’re arguing about incest? Which I guess is an improvement?
Gross? Really? You poor repressed kids
I’ve blocked so many communities when I get an anime tiddy it’s almost always of the fetish variety.
Depending on your opinion, this is better and or worse.
Is it normal that some studios draw anime girls without bras so their nipples are visible? This happens mostly with hentai and ecchi, but I’ve seen some that aren’t any of those but still do this. I don’t remember any girls in the streets going out without a bra at least in my real virgin life
I can only speak from someone living the West Coast of the United States. During the summer, it’s probably about 1/3rd of girls are braless. That number varies by age group of course. But most people don’t care and plenty partake in the “free the nipple movement”.
Human figures are easier to draw without clothes on. This is true of all figure art, not just anime.
Draw the figures first, get those accurate, then add the clothes.
I’ve had multiple partners who hate wearing bras and try to avoid it when possible. But they generally wear something thicker to hide it if they’re going out. I’ve also had partners who prefer to wear them all the time even when relaxing. Bodies are different and weird.
Here in Greece where the weather gets hot as fuck in the summer, and where we get an incredible number of tourists, it’s not uncommon to see some of them (one every two days for example, if you work around the busier places in the centre of the tourist city I live in) be braless.
Mostly younger (white, probably middle class) women, but I think people are slowly being liberated again with younger adult Gen z, after a big sexual closing-off that happened last couple decades.
Someone’s upset their favourite sexy sonic piss meme got flamed
I don’t get it… What does being female have to do with people being disgusted by pron? Or is it not but people view it as such?
They had to draw a woman doing it because, in reality, the subject would be an unwashed cretin with cum stains on his cargo shorts.