I was criticized when I told people not to let Disney be the flag bearer of progress. They’re only ever been following market trends, not leading them.
I was criticized when I told people not to let Disney be the flag bearer of progress. They’re only ever been following market trends, not leading them.
I mean, sure, but PLA is always going to say those thing.
Just check his video titles.
Even without it, that snark face he uses for the thumbnails are a very big tell.
Because it’s not legal and no one’s going to develop software for XP. Someone could make and sell security patches for it, but the type of person who still runs XP either doesn’t care enough to buy security patches or it’s running some hardware that isn’t connected to the internet.
There are exactly two games released in the past few years that have XP support, but that was more a flex on the part of the developer then catering to the market. HROT and Zortch are those games if you’re curious.
It sounds like you were being an ass for a while and you’re recent comments were the breaking point.
I’m a negative person, but I try to reign it when communicating with other people. When I do have to vent, I tend to get support because I’m not being an emotional vampire to those people.
I have some other people in my life who do nothing but complain and I keep them at an arms distance. I feel worse being around them. I do not care about their petty problems.
Context matters. “Male/female” is objectifying and can be used for “objects” like jobs. “Men/women” is more personal and should be used for people. The poster is using almost exclusively “male/female” even where “men/women” should be used, which leads to some clunkiness.
*stick in bicycle spoke meme
Kids aren’t their parents.
Irrelevant to my point. If you’re a minor in Israel, you don’t have many options to move out until you’re an adult.
He could also die of a heart attack before that. He really should have by now though with how he eats.
Children don’t have the ability to leave.
they’re forgetting that Nazis were and are very Christian.
They’re forgetting about “Group 13” as well.
People are people and people are stupid.
“Donald started his career, back in 1973, being sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination — because he would not rent apartments in one of his developments to African-Americans, and he made sure that the people who worked for him understood that was the policy,” Clinton said on Monday night.
Grindy shit. Call me when he wins a Quake 3 tournament.
I think Trump has a long history of racism and it will either bake it into law that Europeans get preferred treatment or it will be selectively enforced.
Btw, why are you using two questions marks? Do you think doing it makes you look more expressive?
Just for brown people.
Even if you could prove that those people aren’t here legally, Trump is changing the laws. He wants to end Birth Right citizenship.
You just get forced update while you’re in the middle of work and random settings resets.