Based on context clues, they sounded out the name or sound of each characted used in “soul of coffee”
Based on context clues, they sounded out the name or sound of each characted used in “soul of coffee”
Go to bed at like 630. Wake up around 1130 and you will have enough energy to act on your midnight motivation. Go back to bed at 4 am.
Two phase sleep is honestly pretty great if you can work it into your schedule. The night just has a different vibe to it, y’know?
Weirdly enough, I don’t have a dire need for a glorified text prediction algorithm to confirm to me that Elon is a nazi.
… three years from now
Currently have tools all over my kitchen for the past year too. Don’t even have a kitchen project im ignoring! Just a bunch of other random stuff getting ignored instead :/
Sometimes I have to ignore my deep cleaning motivation because I know it won’t be enough to finish the job. I try to save it all up for a better time.
Yea, I’m a bit furry-curious, and now looking at it, this one is may not be the same character but just another cute rodent. His previous pic was undeniably furry.
I found it
You say that, but his current pic is actually! Its less fursona-y then his old pic which looked like it was made by someone on deviant art for $30 😸
Same. I love waking up early on the weekend. I dont ever do it on purpose but when it does happen it honestly feels great.
I have a coworker with a furry pic for his work profile! He recently updated it to a different art of the same character. This guy is totally commissioning art of his fursona and using it for his work profiles. Im honestly kind of impressed by his dedication. Hes some kind of rodent like maybe a possum?
Even if you did drink water today, you probably didnt drink enough.
Go drink some what now.
90 of those 100 applicants are unqualified and will not get interviews. 9 of the other 10 will be fake, or having someone obviously proctor the interview for them or even just straight up typing the questions into chatgpt and reading what it says word-for-word.
So yea, apply anyways.
I get roast turkey from the deli for my cats. I always tell them “shaved as thin as possible”. I know it sucks and I’m sorry. But if the cats get big pieces they’ll take it elswhere in the house to eat it and sometimes forget about it and then I find 2 month old rotting turkey behind the couch.
All of that “climate friendly lifestyle” marketing at bob is done by oil and gas companies. Are you tired of hearing about your “carbon footprint”? Good, cause its bullshit propaganda made up by big oil and gas.
There was a huge campaign to shift the blame to consumers so that people would be too busy scrutinizing themselves to scrutinize the oil and gas industry. The sad part is that it fucking worked because people are dumb.
… i have some ancient PCs that I haven’t used for years, you can install linux on those too…
if you want… 👉👈
Excuse me can you please install linux on my computer?
I really hope she was able to get a different email. Cause after this has made the rounds on the internet theres no way that address is even usable anymore.
Yea just dont eat the brain you should be fine
Shhhhh, you cant go against the hivemind! Starbucks bad, ok?