So for the fancy version of stepping, I like this one, but a standard exercise board can also work. For the balance boards, I never purchased one but I remember someone recommending this brand. ymmv
So for the fancy version of stepping, I like this one, but a standard exercise board can also work. For the balance boards, I never purchased one but I remember someone recommending this brand. ymmv
Standing desks are often accompanied by little stepping platforms or a
Are we not going to talk about the, what, 17" dual turret in front of the elevator?
Belladeez nuts
Fukkin gottem
He’s downloading cracks or cracked executables
The cracking groups aren’t exactly signing their work with a verifiable public key
They just said they were downloading arbitrary binaries to execute
Idk about some of these given the age bracket, but Spot the Fed is fun for the whole family.
Well, I saw that thread last night, and I appreciate you pug jesus. May you ever lead us towards treats lmao
Everybody gangsta until the bushes go active
They were not asking
A not insignificant one at that.
They can have a little murder, as a treat
Special thanks to Discovery for putting the Gay front and center in the Fully-Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism of Star Trek.
So, no… but also yes.
You’re correct that it’s unlikely that the device connecting to the network would be able to reach the outside Internet, but it would still be able to reach any local resource to itself, which is to say any other device which is in its network segment and also in the same state (DHCPless) that it is, via what’s referred to as a link-local address. These are in the 169.254.x.x/16 or fe80::/10 space and allow devices to self-assign addresses independent of upstream connectivity for communication on the local network segment. Usually, these aren’t useful, but these address are consistent, and can be used to directly contact known local hosts from your machine without DHCP. As to whether or not they can reach upstream hosts in this state, the answer is ‘probably not’, but that’s not the same as what you said.
DNS being down is why the DHCP server didn’t start ;)
That is not what that means, it means there’s no dhcp on that network segment.
Not less standardized so much as when the only cooling loops were custom ones and not AIO
I thought that was Harambe. Or was he the first sign of deviation?
I’m just saying, there’s probably an easier way to bootstrap the chinese anime industry
Youtube community notes sounds not that bad on paper.
I’m excited to see how they fuck it up.