Orgies outside? We don’t all live in Mediterranean climates…
You’ll have orgies in the summer, right?
… right?
That sounds… sticky.
Just like the Greeks intended.
Yeah, good luck having orgies outside in the winter here in Scandinavia!
That’s not really outside, but point taken 😁
Make the robots build an orgy hall! Or just rent out the local indoor swimming pool.
TIL I have greek ancestors.
It’d be far more shocking if you didn’t
Is it?
Surely through the massive quantities of generations through all of human history, at least a single individual happened to live in Greece
Sadly: slaves
Rest assured, the ones cultivating the wage slaves do have their regular orgies.
They didn’t account for all the work that making, maintaining, and designing new machines would be
Go ahead, organize an orgy.
Can’t. We’re too busy working. 💀
Don’t forget the catering if you want to be a good host. Can’t be having orgies on an empty stomach now can we.
peels open container of dollar store fig newtons
We should work 2 hours at max, sleep 8 hours and spend the remaining 14 hours chugging wine and having sex, and no one can convince me otherwise.