Tell me that someone has mentioned resting this system with a Linux distro? Wouldn’t that resolve the problem?
People can have a rich spiritual life and not believe in religion.
Try some organic food.
I will spend it educating people that we write fifteen dollars as $15.
Forgive me but the Pi is an order Of magnitude better than the dinosaurs you mention.
So… when I want to control content I’m consuming, I get the .mp3 or .pdf or whatever it is I’m interested in.
How is grayjay a more reliable manner of being in control of my content on cross country drives ir wherever? I’m not tracking here. Why would anyone choose grayjay over simply controlling their own drives?
You need to hand a twenty to a dude on the corner. That’s privacy. We used to have it.
Okay… what’s the difference between a beautiful and highly produced radio program and a podcast?