A warm water port is a port that doesn’t ice over in winter.
Literally everyone but Russia has one, that’s why they start screeching and invading people because they just can’t fundamentally accept that they’re a joke of a naval power and always will be.
I’ve been trying to convince China: vladivostok (before 1900: Yongmingcheng) was taken from them. take it back. Russia won’t be able to fight it.
just take it back. there’s lots of resources up that way too; much more than you could ever get by starting ww3 over taiwan. SK, JP, fuck every pacific nation aside from NK will support Taiwan. Why fight the hard fight? Just… go north and get some. No one will complain. The UN will not censure anyone for fucking with Russia.
I would clap gleefully if that were to ever happen. Of course it’d possibly lead to nuclear war but I see that as an upside
Honestly I don’t see nuclear powers escalating to nuclear attack when they’re adjacent to each other. Nuke Beijing and the fallout’s heading north back to RU lol. And they each have an arsenal, so nuke beijing, goodbye moscow.
but same, I’d be happy as a pig in shit.
thing is, it makes sense for these former communist countries to be at each other’s throats, and they’ve had literal armed conflict before - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Soviet_border_conflict we just need to point out to China that it’s the path of least resistence and greatest return. They’ll never be able to squeeze out the sq km’s or resources going north could provide by invading Taiwan and trying to dominate the south pacific.
we just need to point out to China that it’s the path of least resistence and greatest return. They’ll never be able to squeeze out the sq km’s or resources going north could provide by invading Taiwan and trying to dominate the south pacific.
Also that it’d be really funny
They have a warm water port. They were given one and even now they have unfitted access to it.
whines in Russian accent
“But that one suckkkkks!”
I think their power grid keeps them from being a super power
Man, Australia is gonna be stoked to learn that they’re basically a superpower…
We don’t even know what a warm or cold water port even is!
The ocean is not warm, so are not all ports cold water ports? Does America heat their ports - DO YOU HAVE SPA PORTS?!?
Since when does Texas have its own military?
The Texas State Guard is a state level military org they place equal to the Texas Army National Guard and the Texas Air National guard. It has a tiny footprint and theoretically should only be civil affairs and disaster reliefs, but I wouldn’t doubt for a moment that Greg Abbot wants to put 'em in jackboots and have them drive tanks up and down the rio grand.
update: https://www.fox4news.com/news/texas-military-base-southern-border.amp
abbot establishes a base for the TXSG at Eagle Pass. mother fuck
It doesn’t, but that won’t stop them good ol’ boys from saying whatever the hell they like.
Everything’s bigger in texas… including their warm water ports.
after being gored out by repeated hurricanes you’d be a bit loose in the ports too.