I’m curious what, if any, guidelines people self-impose to try and engage in a productive way online (both on Lemmy and elsewhere). “Netiquette” if you will.
A couple of rules that I think are good practices, but still see too often, are:
- don’t pile onto the most downvoted comment. Kinda like don’t feed the trolls, but it’s more about not letting yourself get rage baited. Instead, downvote them and move on.
- don’t give a non-answer to someone’s question. Ex. if someone asks how to do X, don’t answer with, “Why are you trying to do X? You shouldn’t want to do X. Do Y instead.” Instead, explain what it would take to do X, and then offer Y as a possible alternative and why it may be a better option. But assume they already know about Y, and it doesn’t fit their use-case.
For that last one, finding a thread where someone has asked the exact question you want answered, only to find a thread full of upvoted non-answers is up there with the dreaded “nvm, I figured it out - 10y ago”.
Always assume they can and will identify you in real life. It doesn’t mean give away your real name, just act accordingly.
Things that are legal now may not be legal in the future. Or in other places. Online interactions are not except from this rule.
To add on to this, there’s no such thing as an alt account. You will eventually let something slip that will lead back to your main or to you. It’s not plausible, but it is possible and I act accordingly.
I also follow this in offline interactions.
I’ll engage if two of the three can be answered with a “yes”.
1 - Is it kind?
2 - Is it true?
3 - Is it necessary?
For online-only conversations, assume that everything you say is public.
I wince when I hear people talk about putting everything on signal. It’s like, you know if your using Google keyboard on Android, Apple devices, servers to transfer the data, and many others are listening in.
i try not to say anything i wouldnt say to that persons face if they were standing on my front porch.
i dont delete things for the same reason you cant ‘take things back’ when verbally talking to someone.
Now really, get off my porch.
Downvotes are not for disagreements.
What are they for? Like/dislike?
I only downvote when something is blatantly factually false or posted in bad faith (i.e. obviously trolling and I can’t think of a good-faith reason why someone would post this).
If I merely disagree with something, I write an answer explaining why, or if there already is one that I agree with, I upvote that.
Downvotes are for low-quality content, bad-faith content, etc.
Most bright-line example of this is: if OP asks “what’s your favourite fruit” and somebody says “bananas,” don’t downvote it just because you dislike bananas.
It gets harder when somebody says something you disagree with politically, but argues it well and in good faith. I would still not downvote in this circumstance.
For an example of when I would downvote: if OP asks “do bananas contain potassium?” and commenter says “No, only potatoes contain potassium.” – this is low quality content, they could have confirmed their answer with a quick google search.
I saw somebody suggest that the voting buttons should be used to indicate whether the comment benefits the discussion or not.
I suppose the same would be true of the original post; does the post benefit the community.
For example, posting a blog of why Mitsubishi is the best car maker to a photography forum is a downvote, true or not. Posting that veganism isn’t a sustainable lifestyle to a vegan sub is an upvote, but you’d better be ready for some backlash.
That veers into subjective territory, though. From your example, going to a vegan community and declaring that you don’t believe veganism is sustainable would be seen by most as not contributing to discussion, but just trying to troll or incite a flame war. I’d consider that detrimental and downvote.
On the other hand, asking “How can we make vegan lifestyles more sustainable?” would be something worth upvoting.
Communities are not necessarily places where people go to debate or have deep discussions, often it’s just to find solidarity and meme out with good vibes. I’m not going to go to the Elden Ring community and say “Elden Ring is trash”, even if that’s a valid opinion for someone to have, because that’s not really the right place to have that kind of discussion.
Point taken. It was probably a bad example. I was trying to find an example of something that would be an unpopular topic rare hat would ultimately benefit the community.
I disagree
don’t give a non-answer to someone’s question. Ex. if someone asks how to do X, don’t answer with, “Why are you trying to do X? You shouldn’t want to do X. Do Y instead.” Instead, explain what it would take to do X, and then offer Y as a possible alternative and why it may be a better option. But assume they already know about Y, and it doesn’t fit their use-case.
I can get behind the spirit of this, but often times this is caused by people taking the wrong first steps to solve an issue and then getting lost in the weeds while asking for the solution to where they’re stuck, rather than asking about the original problem. In this case, usually both X and Y are bad answers, and asking why they aren’t doing Y can elucidate more about the whole situation.
While I agree you do run into XY problems alot I find another way is have them explain their use-case first. By just asking what is your ultimate goal you are trying to achieve. Then after knowing that answering their question to the best of my ability. Otherwise you waste their time ans yours answering the Y. Had one this week customer wanted to remotely view files stored in his local server. Company built out secure vpn and file server for said files. Customer then asks how does the public access these files. Customer really wanted was a website to download documents or public use.
I think answering questions in the context of work is different, because then, yeah I agree, your goal isn’t to answer their question, it’s to solve their problem.
But if someone makes a thread asking “How do I serve a fileshare publicly”, I think it’s better to answer with something like, “Open this config, change these options, open these ports in your network, and restart these services. NOW, why do you want to do this? Because it might be a bad idea…etc.” Assume that their usecase is private info, and that they are asking the question they mean to ask. Because when someone else who knows they need to do X comes searching for this thread later, you won’t be able to ask about their use case.
I also made this adjustment in another comment, but I think at a minimum, if you’re offering Y because you don’t know how to do X, don’t say “you shouldn’t want to do X”, instead be clear and say “I don’t know how to do X, but Y might be an option for you”. If no one reading the thread actually knows how to do X, then that’s also useful info.
Yes, the XY Problem (or in this case, the YX Problem).
I think it’s still better to abide by the rule as I wrote it, because IMO it is actually more elucidating for someone to be able to explain how to do X as it is written, and then provide Y as a possibly preferable alternative, than for someone who maybe really doesn’t know how to do X just propose Y instead.
It might even be the case that Y is the solution OP should be asking for, but 10y later when someone else finds that same thread, and Y isn’t an option for them, the thread is much less useful.
At a bare minimum, don’t say “you shouldn’t want to do X”, either explain how to do X, or be clear about the fact that you don’t know how.
If you have to absolutely, positively, immediately, reply right now for reasons … don’t.
Applies to emails, texts, pretty much any form of communication. Wait 20 minutes minimum before hitting send.
treat everyone as if they’re actual people behind the screen. because they are
Well…there was a time when that was true. Now we’ve got a mostly dead internet. But yeah, if you’re going to bother engaging because you believe they’re real, then treat them like a person.
kinda forgot there are bots, even on lemmy 😅
I think Lemmy has the capacity to have even more bots, because moderation is so inconsistent and underfunded. The big sites have the resources to fight bots, but ironically have an incentive to embrace them because it reflects well on DAU. IMO the only thing keeping bots off lemmy is a lack of ROI. Great, you spent how much to influence the views of a minuscule userbase in the corner of the internet no one goes to?
Still, it does feel sometimes like our share of braindead group think is higher than it should be…
I think it flies under the commercialization radar so it isn’t worth a lot of scammers and attention getter’s time.
The main rule I try to adhere to:
If I think someone who responded to my comment did not read the whole thing, I should not reply.
Same goes for people actively misreading your content in the worst possible way obviously just to start some shit.
This has been a plague on reddit.
If I’ve tagged them as “DNE” (don’t engage), then trust I tagged them for a reason and don’t engage.
Stupid question: Can I tag people here?
Lemmy itself doesn’t support user tags, but some of the clients like voyager, do.
Cool thanks! I use Voyager and can’t find it 😃
Edit: Forget what I said. Found it.
I try to be patient.
Ted Lasso rule: Be curious, not judgemental. I try to give people the chance to explain themselves. I assume good faith. Even if I’m pretty sure I’m right, I allow for the possibility that I’m not or that I’m missing some relevant information.
I only comment when I feel I am adding something to the conversation that nobody else has added. On many contentious topics, nearly everything that can be said has already been said by someone, so I usually don’t comment on them.
For political disagreements, be wary of fruitless endeavors. 20 replies back and forth are pointless. Most of the time, my goal isn’t to change that person’s mind; it’s to be the voice of disagreement so that others can either be exposed to my views and their rationalization or so that others who silently agree with me can see that these views aren’t unpopular. After enough time passes, I tend to state that I’m disengaging because it’s no longer going to catch the eye of many of these people.
In general, be courteous. Most people aren’t assholes. Some people will have a bad day and maybe will take it out in you, but gently asking them to be courteous and not take their bad day out on you usually spurs some introspection and improves the interaction. If it doesn’t, then they’re really not mature enough to further engage with. Respect yourself and don’t allow anybody excessive opportunity to ruin your day.
Spot-on with how and why to engage and when to drop.
Don’t talk about politics or religion if you don’t want to argue since most places are low trust and what you say will be taken in the worst possible way. Lurk for atleast 3 months before posting to get the vibe of the place. The report button exists. Don’t feed the trolls.(see the troll song for why) If you don’t fit in don’t try, no one is going to defend your world view even if its normal IRL. Bare in mind that anything said online can’t hurt you if you properly separate them for the IRL you. (E.g. repeating usernames, same email, ect will ID you.). ALL CAPS IS SHOUTING. Don’t post AI generated stuff unless its upfrontly tagged. Most things aren’t that deep and will be forgotten in 7 days.