Even a kitler supports trans rights.
Trans rights are human rights and Bitty believes in that even if she does have questionable facial hair 😂
I had a cat we called Kitler, one day I come outside and he’s sitting on a pole with like 6 random cats I’ve never seen before sitting in a half circle below him, he made his own gang and they were his security against this wild stray cat, it would come on my property, then 4 or so cats would come out of no where to attack it while myg cat sat up on the balcony watching.
I hope you took care of Kitler well. I would hate to see what would have happened, if you didn’t.
Heil Bitty
good kitty
I’d vote for Bitty!
A vote for Bitty is a vote for warm naps, tasty snacks, basic human rights, and cuddles
Honestly, Bitty had my vote for simply being a cat. Cause cats don’t care human rights. They only care about being treated like the gods.
Bitty does care, tho. She’s built different
Gorgeous kitty. I love her eyes.
Thank you! 💖
He looks cute with that scarf
Thank you!
Awww it has a lil’ 'stache
We love her lil mustache
Awwww good kitty!!
She is!!
this is why cats are the best
To be fair, my dog also says trans rights
hell yea
Fuck yeah, bitty
In the potentially realistic event my cat eviscerates any article placed upon him, would he be considered a terf?
Does he believe trans women are women? It’s cool if he doesn’t wanna wear clothes. It’s most uncool if he’s transphobic
I don’t believe he understands women exist. We are just a bunch of furless, bald, atrocities before him, our subtle differences are of the least concern to him, we are mere staff for his reign.
This is fair. He has no true concept of gender and as such is incapable of being a terf
Bless him
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